Twenty One

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8th March 2014


I was genuinely so nervous about meeting Harry's family I had hardly touched my breakfast, I was only able to stomach three mouthfuls of my vitamin shake until my stomach twisted and I knew it was time to stop drinking.

Sienna however, was absolutely fine. She was able to eat all of her breakfast and even some banana which was an improvement.

Unsurprisingly on Thursday I woke to a 'sorry I can't do this weekend' text from Jaison, my faith in him so little I didn't even reply.

"I'm really nervous," I state the second I answer the door.

Sienna beams up at Harry before he picks her up. "Why?"

"I'm meeting your family.. like I'm meeting your actual family."

He laughs, Sienna playing with his necklaces. "They're really chilled out, plus you'll have Lou who you already know.

That's true, I guess.


Heading into Primrose Hill, Harry parks up and we head into the restaurant, there were two paps waiting but I held Sienna and ignored them, Harry walking behind us.

We headed into a restaurant called Manna, I hadn't ever heard of it so I had no idea what to expect.

"Hi," Harry smiles at the waitress, she takes us to the table, his family were already here apparently which only disrupted the butterflies and made me feel slightly nauseous.

"Here he is!" With that Harry is then engulfed by different people who I had yet to learn the names of.

Noticing the new people Sienna immediately clung to me and refused to loosen her hold from around my neck.

"And who do we have here?"

Harry turns and smiles, his hand guiding my back forward. "This is Harper, and this is Sienna." He pokes her cheek playfully but she only hides herself into my neck more causing Harry to frown, he'd never gotten that kind of reaction from her before.

He pokes her side trying to make her laugh but he's only greeted with a 'don't like it Harry '.

He stops and I introduce myself to his mum and step dad, then his step brother. Gemma and I already met at Harry's birthday so it was more of a 'hello again!' sort of greeting.

"Lou is on her way," Gemma informs us as we sit down. "Lux has just woke up from a nap,"

With Sienna in my lap I thought about how she would miss her nap time, perhaps that was why she was so grumpy now.

When the waitress brought over colouring paper and crayons Sienna was soon happy to get off me, giving my chest some room to breathe.

With Harry's hand consistently in mine I felt happy. I ordered the soup of the day for my starter, then pasta of the day for both Sienna and I to share, I knew she wouldn't eat a whole portion to herself.

When Lou arrived I was a lot more comfortable, she was easy to talk to and get along with.

Anne was by far one of the loveliest women I'd ever met. She was really warm and just a gentle person, she especially loved Sienna and kept complimenting her eyes and smile.

"You okay?" Harry whispered, everyone was eating and talking and enjoying themselves, and I was too - there was no real reason to be awkward. Gemma took a few photos, and asked if it was okay to have ones with Sienna on which I was fine with, Gemma really was a female Harry.

"I'm very okay," I smile up at him.

"I'm glad. Still nervous?"

I shake my head. "Not in the slightest."

He kisses my forehead before Lux sits into his lap, this however doesn't go down well with Sienna who watches as Lux giggles when Harry tickles her.

"No Lux!" Sienna exclaims leaving her place to climb over my lap and attempt to sit with Harry.

"Sienna it's okay," I try to calm her down. "You can sit beside Harry look,"

"No!" Her eyes fill up as she puts her arms up for Harry to lift her. "I sit with Harry," She cries.

The second the tears start flowing I try to pick her up but she only begins to scream, with the whole table watching on I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Lux come and finish your puzzle," Gemma prompts.

Totally oblivious Lux nods walking over and sitting in Gemma's lap. Sienna clambers away from me and rests in Harry's lap.

"Didn't know she was that possessive," Harry jokes wiping her tears away.

"She must love you," Anne coos. "Do you love Harry?" She laughs looking at Sienna.

"Harry is mine," Sienna pouts cuddling into him.

"That's settled then," I smirk.

. . .


The lunch has gone really well, Harper got on with my mum and Robin, they seemed to love her too - and Sienna who was now asleep in my arms.

Harper had gone to the toilet with Lou whilst I watched over Sienna, Gemma was now colouring with Lux on the other side.

"She's a sweet girl Harry," My mum smiles. "They both are,"

I nod. "I know, you like her then?"

"Love her, she's really just so.. right for you. She's exactly what you've been needing."

I couldn't agree more.

"I know," I brush a piece of fallen hair out of Sienna's eyes.

"Just be careful okay? Don't hurt her because if you hurt her, you hurt her also." Mum warns pointing at Sienna.

I couldn't believe her reaction when Lux was in my lap. I was amazed how in a matter of a couple of months we'd built a bond, she trusted me and saw me as something that was close to her. I was honoured that she felt jealous, it showed me that she loved me as much as I loved her.

"I couldn't imagine ever hurting either of them,"

My mum nods. "Good,"

. . .

Arriving back at my place I watch tv with Sienna whilst Harper uses my laptop to job hunt, I didn't mind helping her out but she was insistent on finding a job herself.

I knew that she was worried and anxious that she wouldn't get a job quickly, but if need be I'd be there to support her and Sienna - even if it meant having them here.

When Harper left to use the toilet I quickly had a look at what sorts of jobs she was looking into, I wasn't going to meddle.. I just wanted to see what she was looking at.

It was mainly clothes shops and fashion interns, but three tabs in particular caught my eye.

STORM Models.

Elite Models London.

FORD Models.

Had she applied? Did she want to model? If she wanted to I could surely help her? Taking down the numbers of each agency I resume my old spot and smile at Harper when she returns.

I was going to help her, even if it meant she didn't actually know. It wasn't meddling.. more helping my girlfriend start her life.

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