Thirty Four

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Hey guys! Thanks for the votes and comments! Keep them coming! This is kind of a short one I guess but the endings a little bit dramatic.. enjoy x

. . .
16th May 2014


LA had been a short but sweet trip, I'd spent my time here going to my shoots, interviews, presentations, and I was even invited to a LA modelling agency who also wanted to take me on, this meant it would widen my career - I could be asked to model over here at any point.

Today however, it was the last day before returning home and Harry and I decided what better way to spend the day than to go to the beach?

I was able to wear a bikini I was given from the kind stylist at the Elle shoot the other day, I felt weird wearing something I hadn't actually bought.

"Sand castle Harry!" Sienna demanded as we set up on the beach, we had thankfully avoided the paparazzi and found a peaceful place where there wasn't too many people.

"Please, Sienna. Remember we say please and thank you," I scold.

"Sand castle please Harry," She mumbled quietly.

Harry smiles taking her bucket and spade and beginning his work. I lay and take in as much sun as I possibly can, it was a beautiful clear day and I wanted to make the most of it.

. . .

Around 2pm Harry and I agreed it was time for lunch, we headed back to the car, on the way I noticed paparazzi slowly appearing getting in as many shots as possible.

Harry handed me a towel so I could cover up, I was happy how in tune he was with my feelings. I picked Sienna up and held her close as we approached the car and the paps began hollaring out at us.

"Do they ever take a break?" I sigh buckling Sienna in and sitting beside Harry.

He pulls out of the parking space. "Afraid not,"

. . .


Sienna and Harper both ended up taking a nap after lunch, I think Harper was exhausted from the jetlag, working and the sun. LA is a lot to get used to.

Smiling, I sit watching tv with my laptop. I enjoy coming out here to LA, a lot of people don't understand why - especially the boys, my mum doesn't like me being out here too much either but for me it's the release, it's my tension reliever.

When I'm in LA I can get lost from everything, forget about what I have to do, what's expected of me, just focus on myself and relax properly.

Having Harper and Sienna here has made me really.. intrigued. Intrigued to know what is to come, what is to happen with Harper and I. She has made me see life in such a different way, Sienna too.

I no longer think about what I want to do, or what I should do, or will do. I always end up thinking about Harper, and how I want to be with her for the next two, three, ten, twenty years. I find myself looking at holidays and gift ideas and planning things around her and Sienna.

Not only that, but she has taught me that it takes a lot more than giving birth to be a parent. The way she revolves around Sienna, and puts her first. It only makes me want to put them first.

I couldn't imagine my life without Harper, or Sienna. For me, this is it. She loves me, I love her. She's the girl.. she's who I want to marry. I'm sure of it, someday..

My mum has spoken to me, Gemma has begged me to marry her, as well as Lou. And someday, we will get married. I'll make sure of it.

I hear footsteps and smile up at the door waiting for Harper to walk through, but when she does I'm greeted with tears running down her face as she listens to whoever is on the phone.

Standing up I put my laptop to the side and cradle her trying to listen but it's too muffled.

"..Okay, thank you. Bye."

"What? What is it? What's happened? Is your family okay?"

Harper shakes her head sniffling, I wipe her tears as she bites her trembling lip, new tears in her eyes. "It was my lawyer.. Jaison's taking me to court.. He's trying to take Sienna away from me,"

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