Forty Three

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20th June 2014


I was well into the week of castings and photoshoots, I had worked so hard I was ready for a break, but like they say; no rest for the wicked.

I had dropped Sienna off, got myself ready and was heading downstairs to my car that was waiting.

I'd tried to call Harry a few times the past four days but each time it was voice mail, or he was busy and couldn't talk or Niall would answer and distract me from actually speaking to Harry.

I wasn't quite sure what he was mad about, I think I had more of a right to be mad and now that he's constantly blowing me off it's only made me angry at him.

. . .

The shoot was going well but I was feeling low on energy, they kept giving me sweets and energy drinks but nothing was waking me up.

I wasn't really sure if it was my energy that was low, or my mood - I just wasn't into it. Although the photographer was saying how beautiful I looked and how well I was doing, it was all just noise to me.. I wasn't concentrating in the slightest.

. . .

Arriving back home with a sleeping Sienna on my shoulder I frown at the huge bouquet of lilies on my doorstep.

Know you're not a fan of roses,
But I think you deserve something.
23 flowers for each week I've loved you.
H .x

I smile slightly and open the door, it was a bit of a struggle with the flowers, Sienna, my bag and freebies from my shoot but I managed.

Inside, I was a little stunned to find candles lit all along the floor. I knew instantly that it was Harry so I put Sienna in bed and headed into the livingroom where he was stood patiently waiting.

"You got the flowers?"

I swallow slowly approaching him. "I did,"


"Thank you,"

"You're welcome,"

"How.. why are you here?"

"Because I couldn't stand being away, I couldn't do anything knowing you were upset,"

"You could have just answered my calls.. you're on tour Harry,"

"But I'm also in love with you."

I sigh, his arms around my waist, mine around his neck. "You're a pain in my ass Styles,"

"But you love me,"

"Very much so,"

"All that matters then isn't it?"

"Thanks for flying out.. how long you here for?"

"Two days,"

I nod. "I have tomorrow off because it's Sunday, Monday I'm out all day.."

"That's okay," He reassures. "This time is what matters."

We kiss for a few minutes before I relent. "I believe you have a lot to make up for.."

He raises his eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yes, well there's the not saying I love you the other day, then leaving me to worry for four days.."

"I guess I do have to make it up to you, however will I repay you?" He flirts.

My grin grows taking his hand leading him to my bedroom. "I can think of one or two ways maybe.."

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