Twenty Seven

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Hey guys big chapter this one! Don't forget to vote and comment! Xx

. . .

7th April 2014


"Tomorrow is the day," I pout cuddling into Harry as we both wake up.

He stretches looking over at his overflowing suitcase. "I know,"

It had been a crazy week, Sienna had slowly developed chicken pox - the spots had started to appear all over. I also went to both castings like Samantha had asked and I still hadn't heard back yet.

My mum had offered to take care of Sienna this weekend so I could spend a bit of time with Harry before he went off on tour.

"When are you back?" I ask tracing circles against his chest.

"11th May, 5 weeks."

"And then?"

"Then it's the European leg so I'll be away 5 days, then you could come up to Manchester, then back down to London, I'll be in London for 3 days."

I lay my head against his chest. "It's all a bit mental isn't it?"

"We'll be fine, I promise."

"I know, I just-"

Before I could finish my sentence I heard a banging at my front door. Frowning at Harry I grab a jumper of his and some gym pants i never use and head downstairs, Harry hot on my heels.

Opening the door I cross my arms. "Jaison?" I frown.

"Why are you letting my daughter be taken around by that manwhore?" He spat venomously, pointing at Harry as he said 'that'.

I blink. "Wait, what?"

"I saw the photos online, him holding my daughter, taking her to places. I don't want my daughter anywhere near him,"

"Alright, pal. You don't know me so you aren't in a position to judge or have a say." Harry tried defend me but I knew it was my place to do it myself.

"I have a say, she is my daughter and I have rights," Jaison argued.

"Actually no," I laugh shaking my head. "You don't have rights. You haven't seen her in so long and she doesn't even like coming to see you anyway. She's also told me all about your girlfriend who I don't want around my daughter. Kids in glass houses shouldn't throw stones Jaison."

"You'll regret this Harper, I warn you now. He's a little fuckboy who is probably only with you for your skills in bed."

I feel Harry tense, his fists clench but I stand in front so he can't move.

"I mean, just ask Edie."

I frown. "Edie? What has she got to do with this? When did you speak to her?"

Jaison laughs, his eyes piercing. "I didn't speak to her, I slept with her.." He leant forward, his mouth against my ear. "Just like your boyfriend here."

My body freezes as he steps away and smirks. He walks down my path but my door is still open, my back to Harry.


"Is it true?"

Harry sighs guiding me inside.

"Is it?" I whisper watching him walk into the kitchen.

When he doesn't answer I only follow him, he's getting two mugs down to make tea.

Harry turns and folds his arms. "You need to hear me out,"

I sit down silently.

"I'd had a busy day, I just wanted to relax. I went to a club with some others and when I saw her I just.."

"You slept with her?" My throat was dry.

"It was a one night stand, I didn't even get her number,"

I gasp as the memory of Edie telling me the story about her 'friend' came to mind.

I have this guy friend and.. he met this girl on a night out and slept with her.."

I look at her waiting for her to finish.

"He never saw her again, didn't even get her number, he's since got a girlfriend, a serious girlfriend, but he's found out this girl he's slept with knows his serious girlfriend. I know her too, what would you do?"

That friend was me.

"But you said you didn't know her,"

He stirs my tea before handing it to me. "Because I didn't want to explain it all at your mums birthday,"

"But you still lied,"

"I know and I'm sorry. But that thing with Edie was before you and I, I didn't know who she was, there were no feelings whatsoever.

I nod sipping my tea. "I'm not as mad as I thought I would be, I mean.. we weren't together, I know you wouldn't cheat on me, I guess I'm upset you didn't tell me, but I'm more upset with her, she slept with Jaison. Not only is he my ex, but Sienna's father. Who does that?"

Harry nods. "I understand and I'm sorry, but you have to know that I didn't even know what I was doing that night, and you and I weren't a thing at the time and.."

I take his hand. "I know, it's fine."

He squeezes my hand. "I'm sorry he ruined our last day together."

I shake my head. "He hasn't."

. .

Harry was treating me to lunch but I was still waiting for him to finish getting ready. We had driven to his so he could get some new clothes.

Whilst he finished I text Edie.

Can we meet this week?

Sure when? X

You choose a day.

Tuesday? X

That's ok.

Cool :) see you then Harper xx

Oh yes you will Edie. Yes you will.

. . .

For lunch, Harry treated me to Gordon Ramsey's restaurant where I stuffed my face.

Coming out, the paps were surrounding us, they were shouting my name as well as Harry's which was something that had started happening more and more often over the past weeks.

For dinner, Harry and I cooked a chicken recipes together with vegetables and rice which we both seemed to really enjoy.

At 7pm my mum dropped off Sienna who was extremely tired and fell straight to sleep so I didn't get to spend much time with her.

By the time Harry and I got back into bed we were both pretty tired ourselves.

"It's been a great last day," He kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, it has."

"I just want you to know.." We both turned onto our sides, my arms on Harry's waist, his on mine. Legs entwined, eyes watching each other's. ".. I don't want this Edie thing to affect us, that's in the past. Nothing I care to remember - if I can. I want you to know that I just want to have you and Sienna in my life. I don't want you to feel insecure while I'm away, or get upset."

I shake my head. "I won't,"

"Don't read any articles, they only upset you."

"I won't," I whisper.

"We've got each other, okay?"

I kiss his lips. "Okay."

And with that Harry started to fall asleep, his eyes slowly going as he rambled on and on about god knows what.

And although my body was tired and I felt drained, my brain was wide awake with thoughts and plenty of questions still left to be answered.

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