Chapter Eleven

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30th January 2014.


I was ready half an hour early simply because I was so excited for this date with Harry.

Not wanting to look eager, I hid in my kitchen and counted to fifteen when he rang my doorbell.

"You look beautiful," He hands me some roses and I smile.

"Thank you," I put them into some water before following him out to his car.

"Are you cold?"

"A tad,"

He put my seat warmer on as he turns out of my road. "Thanks,"

"Where's Sienna then?"

"Her dads,"

"He picked her up?"

I nod. "She was reluctant to go, he couldn't get her to sleep last night."

"It's easy, you just read her a story,"

I sigh. "I know, he doesn't think like that.."

"I guess,"

"So," I grin. "Where are we going?"

"That's for me to know, and you to eventually find out Miss Fletcher,"

I roll my eyes and watch as we turn onto a main road leading us into central London.

. . .

"We're going on?!" I gasp, eyes wide.

Harry laughs walking backwards, arms spread out. "Yup,"

He had brought me to the London Eye, the one thing I've never,ever had the chance to go on.

"We also have the private capsule with complimentary snacks and drinks."

"Harry this must have cost you so much."

He shrugs. "You deserve it,"

"I don't-"

He takes my hand. "Come on,"

. . .

People stared as we made our way towards the London eye, although it was only 6pm there were still a lot of people.

With my hand in Harry's I kept my head down as people began taking their phones out and taking photos of us. Harry would smile and say hi but he wouldn't stop for photos like they asked.

When we were finally in our capsule, I rushed to the window and began taking photos. "I can't believe you did this, thank you." I hug him and pull back, a smile on both if our faces.

Harry leans in and pecks me twice with sweet kisses. "You're welcome,"

We sit and eat some of the food provided, and I laugh as some Nutella drops down Harry's chin. I swipe it with my finger and hold it up to his lips.

He sucks it off, playfully biting my finger when he's finished. "You're worse than Sienna," I tease.

"She's a beautiful child excuse you,"

I shrug. "Of course, she's my child." I joke.

"She has your eyes,"

I look at him. "You think?"

He nods. "When she smiles, she looks just like you."


"You're welcome,"

"You didn't have to do all this," I gesture as we walk over to the window again.

We stand side by side taking in London, watching the people who are now dots run around, the constant tube noises, the lights of the shard.

"I did,"

I look up at him. "It means a lot,"

"You said you never got to go with school, so I wanted to do it, I want you to see the world just as much as you want Sienna to,"

"Thank you, again."

"You're welcome, again."

. . .

After the Eye, we went to dinner and that was just as beautiful, it was on a rooftop, we shared a platter together, the both of us fighting over the mozzarella bites as we both loved them, Harry in the end ordered an extra bowl which I found ridiculous as they cost £15..

"Excuse me boss," Harry raised his hand as the waiter came over, his red and white waistcoat perfectly straight, shoes shining so much so I could see my reflection.

"Yes sir,"

"Mind taking a photo of us?"

"Of course sir,"

I was shocked and not expecting this so I straightened out my hair and rubbed my lips together, swiping under my eyes hoping there was no excess mascara lingering under there.

Harry and I both smiled as he took three photos. "There you go sir,"

"Thanks mate," Harry showed me all three and I asked him to send me the last one as it was my favourite.

. . .

Arriving back home I hugged Harry tightly. "Thank you, for my first ever first date, it's been pretty phenomenal."

"I'm glad, I hope it's the first of many,"

"You mean you want another?" I smile.

"And another and another,"

"Only two more?" I pout playfully.

"And another and another recurring."

"Now you're being dramatic," I roll my eyes with a huge grin.

"I can't win,"


"So.. another date?"

"I would love one,"

He kisses my lips. "I'll see you on my birthday?"

"I still need to ask my mum, but it should be okay. What time do you want me over?"

"I'm free all day really, i'll pick you up at 4?"

"That's great, I finish work at 3,"

He kisses me again. "4 it is,"

Heading inside I watch as he drives off and smile once again looking at my phone at the photo of the two of us. "The first of many dates," I whisper.

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