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Taehyung was struggling with his walking since he was injured, walking weirdly while holding onto the part where his injury is at.

Seokjin cautiously led Taehyung to the huge basement underneath the mansion and quickly help Taehyung to get in the car as he ran to the driver's seat.

Starting the engine, they drove the car to the main entrance or the front door of the mansion where Jungkook and his mother are waiting for their arrival.

The four of them let out loud sights after experiencing horrible scenes that happened back there in the mansion a few minutes ago, especially Mrs. Jeon who's still shaking in fear beside Jungkook in the back seats.

Taehyung's phone suddenly buzzed and he quickly answer the call which shows the caller ID written 'Namjoon Hyung' "don't worry, we're fine. Yeah-yeah, Seokjin hyung is fine"

Taehyung almost let out a laugh when Seokjin is literally giving him an angry face knowing that Namjoon is asking for him. After they hung up the call, Seokjin let out a loud 'fuck you' which caused the two to laugh out loud while Mrs.Jeon was smiling at them, happy knowing that everything is going to be fine.
They arrived at Taehyung's mansion with the four of them entering the huge house with Jungkook helping Taehyung with his walk since it's still painful to move around.

A tall guy approaches them with a huge smile and is literally hugging the hell out of Seokjin who still has that sour face of him visible. The guy looks pissed at the taller guy. "Still mad at me?"

Seokjin looked away, still not giving any chance to the taller guy "it was unexpected, she seduced me first, you know that well right? I only love you"

Taehyung almost puked at the couple and let out a teasing tone "jealous hoe" Seokjin went to Taehyung and hit him in the head "fuck you Taehyung! I've should have just left you dying with that injury of yours! God why did I help you, you're so annoying"

Taehyung was laughing while Jungkook was hugging the guy, feeling safe as long as he was with Taehyung. Mrs. Jeon was smiling and patting Seokjin on the back "it's okay to be jealous but Namjoon has been trying to get back with you for a while now, you should, he has done nothing wrong, it was my husband's fault for everything"

Taehyung nodded his head while caressing Jungkook's locks and pecking his forehead a couple of times making the pregnant male to smile.
Namjoon was with Mr.Jeon that evening, discussing of an attack with young girls surrounding them and seducing them. Mr.Jeon rent them for the night which Namjoon felt uncomfortable in the surroundings but stayed since he was needed at the time.

Seokjin appeared as he was in need to send some medical documents to Mr.Jeon that evening about their enemy when he saw a girl sitting in Namjoon's lap, seducing the guy.

Mr. Jeon doesn't know that both Namjoon and Seokjin is in a relationship since he hates gay and is homophobic, they keep it as a secret about their relationship whenever Mr.Jeon was around. Taehyung, Jungkook and Mrs.Jeon know of course.

Namjoon was in Mr.Jeon team, working under him and entered the mafia group together with Taehyung, telling Mr.Jeon that they were childhood friends.

Seokjin was mad at Namjoon and hasn't talked to him in weeks after the seducing incident, he got jealous and doesn't want to meet the guy and he's been ignoring him ever since.
Mrs. Jeon turned on the television only to hear the news about a girl being a serial killer.

Jungkook and Seokjin widen their eyes at the news, freaking out when they recognized the picture that appeared on the screen.

Both Taehyung and Namjoon looked at each other, sending eyes signals, not surprised at the news like Jungkook and Seokjin did, as if they knew exactly what happened. They even smirked.


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