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Jungkook was hugging Taehyung as Seokjin took care of Taehyung's wounds and cuts in which he will hiss or moan at the pain, especially when Seokjin applied ointment on the throbbing wounds "fuck! Be gentle, the hell man?!"

Taehyung whisper yelled at the older as Seokjin smirked before pressing on Taehyung's wound even harder, earning a low groan from the said man who was glaring at him with his sharp eyes "that's for making him cry"

"Shit!" Seokjin smiled in victory as Taehyung bit his lower lip and frowned his brows in anger "and that's for being so stupid" Taehyung sighed as he looked down at Jungkook who's still hugging him with closed eyes, probably praying for his health and hoping that Taehyung will get better.

Seokjin was cleaning his tools as Taehyung sighed in defeat. He took Seokjin's phone from the man's doctor's coat and type in what he really felt and what his next plan are.

"I know I was wrong and sorry for being so stupid, I will take care of him and our baby, I promise that I will not disappoint you but can I ask you a favor?" Seokjin nodded "and what's that?" Taehyung smiled and looked down at Jungkook "Namjoon, he's-"

"Don't you dare mention his name again!" Jungkook was startled at Seokjin's sudden scream as Taehyung was staring at them with angry eyes "why can't I? You've been telling us this and that but look at yourself, is it fair for Namjoon? He loves you Seokjin, he still does" Seokjin looked away and got up " I think we should get going now, before the cops come"

Seokjin pulled Jungkook away from Taehyung "go get your mother and wait at the back entrance" Jungkook nodded "Taehyung, you're coming with me, we're getting the car" Taehyung sighed and kissed Jungkook on the cheek "be careful"
Not only Mr.Jeon is dead, the entire mansion was filled with blood splashing everywhere, including the walls, floors and furniture. After knowing that Mr.Jeon are dead, his men and servants went nuts by trying to kill them and luckily Seokjin was there on time, in the end the three of them were soaked in blood and were surrounded by corpses, it was insane but they survived even with Jungkook being pregnant and Taehyung was badly injured.

Jungkook slowly walked through the hallway with guns in his hands as he pushed open the door of his mother's room "mom" she was sitting on the bed while covering her ears as tears streaming down her cheeks, she was scared.

Jungkook approached her "mom" she looked up and was stunned at Jungkook who was basically covered in red "Oh dear, my baby, are you alright? How's Taehyung and your baby?"

Jungkook smiled and nodded "We're fine mom, let's just get out of here" she nodded and let Jungkook hold her hand. Jungkook hugged her while they were walking side to side and buried her face in his chest so that she doesn't have to see the horrible scene that they were currently walking in. Jungkook's eyes were roaming around the mansion "I've never liked this mansion"


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