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She was relaxing on the bed when suddenly Taehyung burst into the room with a straight face. She smiled, lifting herself up from her sleeping position, and approached Taehyung happily "you're back! Miss me?" He fakes a smile, holding her hand in his "let's go out on a date?" Her eyes went big with excitement as she jumped up and down "OMG REALLY?"

Taehyung nodded, pulling her wrist as they went in the car with Taehyung driving. She was smiling the whole trip but she doesn't see how Taehyung was smirking at her. She frowned her brows when Taehyung stopped the car in an unknown place with nothing but darkness and dirtiness. It is somewhat an abounded place with empty buildings and old cars.

"Get out" he said coldly, slamming the car door in progress. She was scared at how Taehyung was behaving. She followed him as she hugged his arm, feeling scared at the surrounding "what are we doing here? I wanna go home" she said but Taehyung quickly pushed her away, staring at her with mad eyes. She was clueless about why Taehyung behaved like that.

"Hey" a voice startled her as she turned her body around only to be shocked at her ex-boyfriend "w-what are y-you doing here?" She asked, stuttering "See you. Miss me?" She slowly backed away, making the guy to smirk even bigger "no! what the fuck are you doing here?! I thought I killed you!"

He smirked "you thought you did but you didn't" her body was shaking when she saw him holding a sharp knife. She was about to run when suddenly Taehyung caught her and locked her hands with handcuffs "n-no, tae please, let me go, I'm your wife" she said, eyes cautious of her ex who was just smirking at her evilly. Taehyung chuckled after hearing her pathetic beg "in fact, we were never married in the first place, that priest was a fake and so does the rings"

"W-wait, what are you talking about?" Taehyung walked back to his car while explaining the truth to her "you see, my parents knew everything about me and Jungkook, and my father was the one who hired the priest" her eyes widened "but why? Didn't your father hate gays"

"Yeah but he's not that cruel to kill his own grandchildren, besides, he said Jungkook's pretty, even prettier and nicer than you" her ex laughed at how pathetic she's looking right now "how pity, even your beloved V hates you" Taehyung hopped in his vehicle "make sure to kill her badly, without any trace, got it?" He said to the man and he nodded without hesitation "willingly" Taehyung drove off to the hospital, smirking knowing that she was no longer living.


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