💙 39

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It has been a week since that incident and they're back at the apartment, Taehyung woke up to the smell of food coming from the kitchen as he quickly hopped off the bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and wear his casual clothes.

He smiled upon seeing Jungkook cooking breakfast for them as he get behind him and hugged him from the back, making the older to let out a light yelp "Tae! You startled me" Taehyung giggled at the adorable Jeon Jungkook and smiled widely at his wife.

Taehyung pecked Jungkook on the cheek and buried his face in the crook of Jungkook's shoulder, swaying their hips as Jungkook giggled at his playful husband "Tae, I'm cooking, stop moving" he whined cutely in which Taehyung cooed at him so badly "GOSH, YOU'RE SO CUTE!" he squished their cheeks together and lifted Jungkook up by holding his waist "Omg! Tae put me down" he giggled, wiggling his legs and begging Taehyung to put him down.

Taehyung finally having enough of lifting Jungkook and slowly putting the pregnant guy down, smiling as he looked down at his feet "sorry" Jungkook smiled as he shook his head slightly "it's okay Tae, go take a seat, breakfast will be ready in no time" he said in high pitch voice as Taehyung nodded and walked to the dining area and took a seat.

Jungkook finished it all up with a sprinkle of salt and pepper on the eggs as he lifted up the plates and went to the dinner area where Taehyung was waiting for him. Taehyung quickly eat his breakfast as Jungkook laughed at him for eating too fast "take it slow Tae, the food ain't going anywhere"
They were giggling together on the couch with Jungkook sitting on Taehyung's lap as they watched movies all day long and they didn't even realize it was already nighttime. Jungkook was crying a river after watching 'call me by your name', especially the part where Elio was crying at the end of the movie.

As the two were talking, a sudden noise can be heard from the outside of the door and Jungkook was screaming when men in black started to enter their apartment with guns in their hands. Judging by their clothes, Taehyung and Jungkook knew exactly that they were from Jungkook's dad's squad.

Taehyung quickly grabbed a gun under the couch and the same goes with Jungkook since they did some preparations on putting guns secretly around the apartment and their mansion.

Taehyung started to shoot whoever was in front of him and grabbed Jungkook by the older butt, lifting him up with only one hand as Jungkook hugged Taehyung's neck with his free hand and aim his gun at the guy who was trying to attack them.

Taehyung went to their master bedroom and lifted up one of the hanging frames which revealed a keypad. He keys in the password and a secret room was opened when the wall suddenly in the shape of a door and was slighting open automatically. Taehyung went in and placed Jungkook on the bed that was in the room "stay here okay? I'll be right back"

Jungkook shook his head and was crying "Tae" Taehyung went back out and closed the door to the secret room "p-please be saved" he let go of the gun in his hands and was crying in between off his legs, praying in his heart that Taehyung is okay, after knowing how strong his father's squad are.


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