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"Mom, it's your turn"

Mrs.Jeon nodded her head knowing that her son needs to know the truth and this is the moment, she's been wanting to tell him but her husband would always threaten her saying that he shouldn't know about it to keep him sane so that he could control the group well.

She took a deep breath first before facing her son with a small smile "I know the truth will hurt you again but I want you to listen carefully because everything that I've done was to protect you and I know you'll hate me after this" Jungkook wipes his tears preparing himself for the worse "go on mom"

"As you already know, Mr.Jeon is not your father, Mr.Jeon, I and your biological father used to be in the same major when we were in college, me and your father were in a relationship and I noticed Jeon always had his eyes on me but I ignored with the thought that he's not going to be a threat but he keeps forcing me to be with him even knowing that I'm already with your father. We have you when I was just 21 but before your father could even propose Jeon k-killed him right in front of me" her eyes started to river with tears as she continues with heavy breathing.

"He knows about me being pregnant and he forced me to marry him and if I don't he will kill you and I can't risk that, I already lost your father, I can't lose you too and that's how we become Jeon instead of Min, your father's surname. We got married and I have to live with him to keep you alive. He always wanted a son so that he has someone to take over his empire"

She gave Jungkook a small smile "I was weak my dear, I couldn't protect you from him, I know what he did to you was not right but I couldn't do anything, I know you're not a killer, I know you're a soft-hearted person Jungkook. I'm your mother I know that but I still couldn't save you from him. I know I did wrong and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I just want you to know everything"

Jungkook was crying in his seat, it feels overwhelming to him, and the truth hurts. Taehyung was sitting uncomfortably in his seat as well, he wants to go to Jungkook and calm him down but he knows Jungkook will not let him touch him, not after everything. Mrs.Jeon looks down with painful eyes knowing that she hurt her one only love, her own son.

Jin understand the situation and went to Jungkook to hug the poor crying bunny "should we go? You need to calm down, it's not good for the baby" Jungkook nodded weakly not having the courage to face either Taehyung or his mother.

Jin helped him get up from the sofa and went out of the living room, leaving the three behind. Mrs.Jeon cry out loud when Taehyung hug her as they cry together with Namjoon witnesses them with sad eyes.


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