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Taehyung was with his father, discussing about their company when someone knocked on the door "Mr.Kim Taehyung, your wife is here to see you" he sighed upon hearing her name and bowed to his father before walking out of the office room with a gloomy face.

His wife was so happy that she waved her hand at him "what are you doing here?" He asked, sighing at how annoying she can be trying to act like a good wife when the reality is the opposite of what she was doing.

She hit him on the arm, pretending that she doesn't see Taehyung signing and just proceed with her giving him his lunch box "I came here because of this, I made it for you" she said, smiling it off with a huge smile as Taehyung frowned his brows "you made me lunch?" He asked, still doesn't believe on what she was saying "yes, try it"

With that Taehyung curiosity opened the lunch box and slowly eat the food. His eyes sparkle at the food as he eats it with joy.

She smiled at how Taehyung was eating the lunch box and smirked. After finishing the lunch box, Taehyung sighed at his wife and crossed his hands on his chest "you took it from Jungkook, didn't you?"

Her eyes went wide at the name "N-no" Taehyung rolled his eyes and chuckled at her "I'm not that stupid for not knowing that Jungkook cooked that food" She looked away, pretending like she was searching for her driver "I need to go to the mall, bye Tae" she ran off, sweating at what Taehyung had said about her stealing Jungkook's lunch box.

Taehyung shook his head at her, turned his body and fished out his phone. After a few seconds, the caller pick up the phone "hey baby" he said smiling "T-tae" Taehyung can hear him sniffing "baby, are you crying?" Jungkook shook his head even though Taehyung can't see him "No! I'm not!" Taehyung chuckled at how cute he was on the phone "hey, thanks for the lunch box, it was a delicious baby"

Jungkook was blushing "but your w-" Taehyung cut him off with a soft chuckle "I know, besides, she never cooked before, I know it was you" Jungkook smiled, wiping off his tears "don't cry okay? I'll be back soon"

Jungkook nodded "okay, I'll be waiting" Taehyung smiled "say hi to the baby for me" Jungkook giggled "okay daddy~" Taehyung smirked hearing Jungkook moaning the word 'daddy' "I'll be back very soon, just wait for me baby"


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