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The two were left in the mansion since Taehyung had to leave for a meeting in Japan and she always bully Jungkook into cleaning the mansion and cooking for her.

Don't misunderstands Jungkook, he could just kill her with his bare hands but since he's carrying a baby in him, he tells himself not to do such a thing because he wanted to be a good mother.

That one afternoon when Jungkook was mopping the floor, he heard her voice calling for him and he sighed before walking toward her but she suddenly pushed him backward, making him to fall with a loud thud.

She was laughing while Jungkook was struggling to get up on his feet, the pain was overpowering his body and he suddenly collapsed on the floor with his hands protecting his baby bump.

The maids and butlers were rushing to him, panicking while the head butlers called out for the ambulance and also informed Taehyung that Jungkook fell. She rolled her eyes at the scene and walked out as if nothing happened.
Taehyung was running throughout the hospital hallway, sweating and worrying about Jungkook and his baby. He left early after hearing his assistant saying that Jungkook was sent to the hospital due to him falling. He pushed open the door, sighing deeply at Jungkook who was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed.

The doctor slowly approached Taehyung "is he your husband?" Taehyung nodded "how's he and our baby?" The doctor smiled "both of them are found, luckily there's no harm involved in the accident of him falling" Taehyung sighed in relief, hands forming fists, knowing who's behind all of this and he promised to himself that she'll pay for doing that to Jungkook and their baby.


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