💙 47

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The chirping of the birds woke Jungkook up from his deep slumber feeling the tightness around his hips he slowly pulled down the comforter that covered them and smiles witnessing Taehyung still sleeping while hugging his hips with his face snuggling against his stomach as if he was snuggling with their baby.

Jungkook shake his shoulder to wake him up "rise and shine, good morning my dear daddy~" he yelped when the younger suddenly let go of him to only carry him in his arms "don't be naughty baby, it's still early in the morning" Jungkook rolled his eyes and secured himself by hugging Taehyung's neck tightly "pervert"


All of them had their breakfast and they're now in the living room with Jungkook looking at both Taehyung and his mother demanding an explanation from both sides of their stories because it seems like he's the only one who's still clueless in the room.

"So who's going to start?" He was sitting right in front of both of them with Taehyung sitting right next to his mother while Namjoon and Jin were sitting together on another sofa. Jungkook was waiting but none of them seems wanting to tell him the truth "so?"

Taehyung took a glance at Mrs.Jeon knowing well that she was feeling uncomfortable and still not ready to tell Jungkook everything. He took a deep breath before answering his sweetheart "I'll go first" Mrs.Jeon turned around and gave him a small smile, feeling proud that Jungkook have someone like Taehyung to love and protect him, she feels relief knowing that. She knows how good Taehyung is, he's a good boy, and he knows how to respect the elderly.

"Alright, you may start"

"I want revenge for my older brother, and so does Namjoon, your father killed him a long time ago, we planned to kill your family" Taehyung closed his eyes remembering the reasons why they joined Jungkook and his father to become one of the trusted people in their squad, same goes for Namjoon.

Taehyung's heart broke when Jungkook let out a tear knowing that both Taehyung and Namjoon were planning on killing his family which means Taehyung was planning on killing him. Taehyung got up but was stopped by Jungkook's crake voice "s-stay where you are and continue"

Taehyung let out a heavy sigh before sitting back in his seat. Namjoon felt guilty for the both of them as Jungkook wanted to know the truth, the bitter truth behind everything that they hide but Taehyung wanted him to know, he wants Jungkook to know everything even though the truth will hurt him but Taehyung wants more, he wants to be with him, not just as lovers but as a married couple. He knows very well that Jungkook deserves to know the truth.

"We were planning to gain both your and your father's trust making it easy for us to steal back everything from you guys. Our brother used to own everything that your father has"

Jungkook was silently crying "d-did you plan on killing me too? Are you still planning to do so? Even if my father weren't dead" Taehyung shook his head "it was before baby but I swear I wouldn't do it because I know I couldn't live without you, you know that well right?"

"If my father didn't kidnap you that day, you will still kill me and my mom! Can I even trust you Taehyung? After hearing this from you, do you even love me? I don't know what to feel any more" He was crying in his spot not wanting to face Taehyung who was also crying "baby please listen to me"

Jungkook shook his head "enough! I don't want you to talk, Namjoon can you please continue" Taehyung couldn't stand it seeing his baby this fragile and that he was the reason for his misery again, he knows he hurt Jungkook a lot and now he question does he even deserve Jungkook? A person like him who always make him cry.

They avoid each other eyes and now Jungkook was focusing more on Namjoon. The said guy nodded his head and begin to talk "after researching about your family, we did what we were planning on doing but not everything goes as we planned, both you and Taehyung got intimate and the same goes with me and Jin even knowing that you're both working for your father so we just went with the flow and as you already know, Taehyung already has a fiance but it turns out that his fiance got the darkest secrets lying about her life and her true self from others, even with Taehyung, her fiance. You see, she has mental health issues and was a psychopath. Taehyung got to know about her when her ex-boyfriend appears giving us all the information and was planning on killing her that's why Taehyung faked the wedding, it was her demand on marrying Taehyung and they both took it as an opportunity to end her before she harms the others. To make it all short, she was a psychopath and a serial killer and if she knows that Taehyung wouldn't want to marry her because of you, she would kill you and your baby, she once threatened Taehyung at a cafe"

All three of them were shocked upon listening to Namjoon, even Jungkook has his eyes and mouth big with tears still in his eyes. Jin was shocked as well since he knows nothing about what was happening back then. They felt goosebumps after knowing that girl was a killer and a psychopath. Even though they themselves are bad people but psychopath is the worse.

The room went dead silent afterward with only Jungkook's small hiccups and sobs can be heard in the living room. Taehyung looks up from his lap and gave Jungkook a sad puppy eyes not wanting the older to hate him in which Jungkook just keeps rubbing his eyes wanting the tears to go away.

He doesn't know what to feel. Does he suppose to feel anger? Sad? Betrayed? Unloved? Mad? Disappointed? Regret? He doesn't know what to feel but he knows that he can never hate the younger or even stay mad at him.

Jin was angry at Namjoon for not telling him anything about Taehyung's ex-fiance in which Namjoon just smile knowing that Jin would never get up sad with him just because of that and he knows that it was risky to let him know in the first place anyway. Jungkook turned away from Taehyung only to face his mother

"Mom, it's your turn"


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