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He took the very last bite of his food before rubbing his tummy in a circular motion as he yawned, feeling the sleep take over his body as his eyes were half-opened.

Taehyung's still confused with his fiance's sudden call that he has been spacing out for a good 2 minutes before Jungkook decided to wake him up from his 'staring at nothing' activity as he shook both of his shoulders with full force "TAE!"

He was still really upset that Taehyung was ignoring him just now when he said that he was sleepy and that he needed Taehyung to carry him all the way to the master bedroom.

"Sorry baby, what's that?" Jungkook puffed out his cheeks in annoyance as he crossed his arms on his chest, looking like an angry 3-year-old, which made him look even more cuter if that was even possible.

Taehyung pouted out his lips at the sulking bunny as he came closer to him and pulled him by the waist "oh come on baby, I'm sorry" Jungkook sighed and turned around to look at the younger in the eye as he fluttered his lashes cutely "carry me daddy~ babyish sleepyyy~"

Taehyung gulped down his saliva as he awkwardly rubbed his nape "s-sure" he said before lifting the older up bridal style and starting to walk to their room.

He was mentally cursing the entire time, how could one be so adorable, he's still a mafia and yet, still manage to melt his heart with his cuteness, he swears Jungkook is the cutest person that he has ever laid his eyes on (Tbh, that's how I feel about him, don't fight me though 😂)

They entered the room with Jungkook still in Taehyung's arms. He carefully placed Jungkook down on the bed as he gently helped the bunny boy to lay down on his back and covered his body with a warm comforter.

"baby, can you sleep alone? I have somewhere to go" Jungkook wanted to shake his head and say no but he doesn't want to be selfish even though he really want Taehyung to stay so he ended up nodding and smiling "sure I can, I'm not 5 Tae"

Taehyung smiled and pecked his forehead "thanks baby, I'll be back as soon as I finish, okay?" Jungkook nodded, looking up at Taehyung with his big doe eyes "be quick" Taehyung chuckled "okay baby bunny"
He stood in front of the cafe and sighed deeply before pushing open the door, creating a ringing sound coming from the small bell that was hanging above the door. He immediately caught his fiance sitting on the same spot where they usually sat during their dating days.

He approached the table and sat right in front of her. She smirked watching how Taehyung just stared at her with nothing but boredom and emptiness "how lovely of you to come and meet me" she said cheerfully "cut the act, I know you have something to tell me" her smile faded as she let out her devilish smirk "bingo"


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