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Taehyung was coughing out blood from his mouth, clothes soaking wet in red blood as he screamed out loud when the knife easily went through in the middle of his left palm "screaming now huh? You're pathetic! I can't believe I used to trust you, I'm such an idiot" Taehyung let out a laugh "y-you must be the stupidest person ever for believing in me"

Taehyung groaned once again after being hit on his stomach for the tenth time. Mr.Jeon was beyond pissed at the words Taehyung said that he was screaming out of anger "you'll pay for this Kim!"
Jungkook arrived at the Jeons mansion, which used to be his home when he was a child. He still can remember all of the painful memories of him being forced to be a mafia killer by his own father, still can't believe his father would try and want to kill his baby, his own grandchildren.

Before he could enter the mansion, he can hear his mother's voice calling for him through the garden and he carefully run to her.

She smiled widely when Jungkook hugged her tightly by the waist "mom" she caressed Jungkook's back softly "my baby, I missed you" she said with her soothing voice making Jungkook to calm down his fear of losing Taehyung in his father's hands.

"You know sweetie, I was thinking of telling you this soon but I guess this is the right time for it and you need to know the truth" Jungkook looked down at his mother "that guy in there, he's not your real father, I know it's kinda shocking but I'll explain the rest to you later, after all of this" Jungkook's eyes widened "w-what?"

His mother gently grabbed him by the shoulders "you have suffered enough Jungkook, I'm sorry that I couldn't be a good mother to you, I've always wanted to kill that guy but I can't, I'm just too weak to even hold a gun in my hand but you sweetie, I know you're braver than me"

Jungkook was still shocking on which his whole body suddenly feel numb "I know you have no time to waste, I saw him drag Taehyung to the darkroom earlier" Jungkook nodded his head "please be careful" she said before pecking Jungkook on the cheek "you know I always love you" he smiled at his mother "I love you too mom"
Taehyung was looking down to the floor, bitting on his lower lip when Mr.Jeon continued on torturing him by slicing his skin off slowly and painfully. As he was about to close his eyes, the door was kicked open and a gunshot can be heard as he felt Mr.Jeon body fall down to the floor with a loud thud.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook screamed at the amount of blood that was on Taehyung's shirt and even the floor are painted with his blood.

Taehyung weakly smiled as soon as Jungkook grabbed the control and released Taehyung from the chair. He was crying at how bad Taehyung's condition was "I'm so sorry, it was all my fault"

Taehyung smiled and pecked Jungkook on the lips carefully "i-it's not your fault baby, p-please don't cry" Jungkook shook his head slightly as tears were streaming down his chubby cheeks like a waterfall "aww, how sweet, the pretty Juliet come to rescue his daring Romeo, how romantic" he smirked evilly after witnessing how terrified Jungkook are just by looking at his eyes.


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