💙 13

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Sun was shining through the curtains as Jungkook opened his eyes slowly at the bright light. Once he has his eyes opened, the first sight he saw was someone's naked chest.

He recalled everything that happened and started to panic at the thoughts of what could happen in the future if he keeps doing it with Taehyung.

He whined at the pain as he slowly sat on the bed and covered his chest with the comforter. His eyes started to tear up as he cried in between his knees.

Dueling to him crying, Taehyung woke up from his deep slumber and quickly pulled Jungkook by his waist and sat him in his lap. Taehyung kissed his neck softly and caress his waist as he earned soft moans from Jungkook.

Jungkook closed his eyes when Taehyung quicken his pace and started to create hickeys all over his upper body. He was a moaning mess, whining at how much pleasure he was feeling.

Taehyung laid him down as he hovered over Jungkook and wanted to kiss him but Jungkook stopped him by shooking his head and holding his shoulders.

Taehyung was confused as he leaned in again "what's wrong?" he asked when Jungkook stopped him for the second time "w-we can't do this anymore"

Taehyung chuckled as he looked down at Jungkook who has sadness on his face "don't talk nonsense, baby" Jungkook turned his head to the side when Taehyung tried to kiss him on the lips again "y-you're getting married"

Taehyung stared down at him with serious eyes as Jungkook continued his talk "let's end it, Tae" Jungkook looked up at Taehyung as the guy just laughed at him, as if Jungkook was telling him a joke "What the hell are you talking about?"

Jungkook gave him a small smile before slowly pushing Taehyung from him "we need to stop, this is the end Tae, I'm not doing this anymore" Taehyung wanted to say something but Jungkook cut him by telling him to leave "please go"


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