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"where's the hell is that kid?! He's supposed to run this gang but he's not even showing his face for the last two weeks" Mr.Jeon said, obviously angry at Jungkook for being careless at his work of being the mafia leader. Mrs.Jeon was watching her husband, praying in her heart that Jungkook is somewhere save from Taehyung since she knows about the two and Taehyung being the father of the baby.
Taehyung was forced by his wife so he would sleep with her but after she had fallen asleep soundly beside him, he sneakily got up from the bed and out of the master bedroom as he sighed in relief when he succeeded in not waking his annoying wife up.

He quietly climbed up the bed as he flipped open the comforter to find a sleeping Jungkook. He smiled at the scene as he pecked him on the lips. Jungkook blinked open his eyes, knowing that it was Taehyung who was kissing him.

"Tae, what are doing here?" He turned around to face Taehyung who was laying beside him as they stared at each other "what else? Sleeping with you of course" he smiled while caressing Jungkook's baby bump "but you should be wi-" Taehyung hugged him, shushing him not to talk about his wife anymore "let's not talk about her when we're alone" Jungkook just nodded before hugging Taehyung and buried his face in his chest.
She woke up with tired eyes while tapping her hand on the side, frowning at the empty space as she jolted up from her sleeping position to find Taehyung was not at her side and that is already past noon. She quickly ran down the stairs as she angrily stared at Jungkook who was packing a lunch box for Taehyung.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jungkook smiled before carrying the lunch box "packing lunch for Taehyung" she rolled her eyes as she snatched the lunch box from Jungkook's hands "no you're not! I'm his wife and I should be the one who sent it to him, not you! You and your baby disgust me, go to hell gay! He doesn't need you" she made a face before turning away and called out for the driver, leaving a broken-hearted Jungkook.


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