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The surrounding was quiet, the only sound that can be heard was coming from their spoons and forks that collide when they eat. He has his head hung low the entire time as he tried his best to look manly and calm in front of his father.

His mother was worried sick after witnessing how pale Jungkook's face is. She can't stop staring at her son, hoping that Jungkook doesn't faint.

She knows that Jungkook is not in his great condition, he's carrying a soul in him and she can see it from his eyes that he doesn't sleep well these past few days.

She stared down at her food with worried eyes, she kept on biting her bottom lip and it almost bleed due to her worries for Jungkook and his unborn baby.

She remembered what Jin said about Jungkook, since he's pregnant and that he's a male, his body is weak compared to a female when giving birth and a small impact to his body can cause him to lose the baby.
The boy was playing with his bunny plushie when his mother called for lunch "Kookie honey" the little boy ran to his mother with his small legs and smiled widely at her "yes mommy" she smiled and lifted him up by his waist "let's eat? If you don't eat, you'll be sick"

The boy nodded and giggled "okay mommy, kookie will eat" the mother settled him in her lap and feed him the food by using a spoon "how was it?" the boy licked his lips and gave her thumbs up "delicious, kookie want more" she giggled and caress his raven hair "you're so cute, my lovely son"

A man entered the kitchen and rolled his eyes when he saw how spoilt his son are towards his mother and he hated it how soft and fragile his son are.

He wanted a tough son who can replace him someday by becoming the scariest and the most wanted mafia ever but his son's behavior was different from what he expected him to be.

"let him eat by himself, he's not a baby" the man said while staring at Jungkook with cold eyes "Don't say that, he's scared" his mother hugged him and Jungkook hid his face in her neck, afraid that his father will beat him for being soft and feminine.

He felt like puking just by looking at how afraid Jungkook are towards him and he pulled him by force from his mother.

The boy was crying as his father slapped him on his left cheek "stop being so weak!" the mother covered her mouth and tried to take her son away from her husband "let him go, you're hurting our son"

The guy chuckled "our son? He's not my son unless he proves it to me that he is and becomes a mafia" his wife grabbed Jungkook and hugged him "how could you? He's not your doll that you can control just like the rest of your friends, he's your son for god sake!"

Jungkook cried at his parents yelling at each other as his vision started to blur and he passed out in his mother's arms which succeeded in making her scream in horror "Kookie! Honey, please wake up!"

She carried him bridal style and told her driver to take them to the hospital. Her husband followed since she yelled at him to go. They arrived and their private doctor, Mr.Kim took Jungkook to his room and checked on him.

Jungkook was laying down on the bed with closed eyes as Mr.Kim covered him with a blanket. He was sleeping due to the injection that Mr.Kim gave him so that he can rest.

Mr. And Mrs.Jeon entered the room as Mrs.Kim let out a relieved sigh when she saw Jungkook sleeping peacefully on the bed.

She turned to the doctor and asked "is he alright?" He smiled and nodded "yes, he's fine but" She frowned her brows when Mr.Kim paused for a good 5 seconds "but?" she impatiently waited for him to speak and her husband crossed his arms on his chest and focused on Mr.Kim.

"your son, the time I was checking on him, I discovered something that rarely happens to someone and that is happening to your son" They listen to him carefully "Your son is one of the M-preg patient, in which we preferred it to be called Male pregnancy"

"wait! Pregnancy? What the hell are you saying? Are you assuming that Jungkook can get pregnant? Was that it?" he almost burst into anger if it were not for his wife who calmed him down by gripping on his hand.

Mr.Kim took a deep breath before starting to talk again "unfortunately, what you're saying is true Mr.Jeon, Jungkook can get pregnant by the age of eighteen, so I suggest you two to be careful and take good care of him if you don't want him to be pregnant"

Mrs.Jeon hands started to form fists as he stared at his sleeping son. His wife let out a tear when her husband stood up and said something awful about their son "Disgusting" he stormed out of the room, leaving Mrs.Jeon crying at how her husband's reaction towards Jungkook.
His mother panicked when Jungkook suddenly stood up and ran to the kitchen. She followed him and was shocked when she saw him puking clear liquid from his mouth.

She turned behind and saw her husband with his eyes darken as he was staring at Jungkook. She came closer to him and tried her best to pull him away but he was stronger than her she ended up "He's pregnant?"

She faked a smile and tried to push him away from the kitchen "I'M ASKING YOU, IS HE PREGNANT?!" both of them were startled and Jungkook started to shake when he heard his father's voice.


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