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"miss, I have the pieces of information" he gets closer to her as he handed her a black file in which she quickly snatches it from him "good" she flipped open the file and read everything that was in it.
Her eyes darken as she stared at the pictures "Jeon Jungkook? Bangtan's leader?" her man nodded "how dare he! So that's why Taehyung has been acting strange ever since I got here"

She hardly throw the file on the floor as she ripped the pictures into pieces "I'll show him who's Taehyung belongs to" anger was burning in her eyes as she fists her hands at the thought of Jungkook and Taehyung together.

"but miss, he's a mafia" she laughed at him and smirked as she leaned her back against the cold wall "do I look like I give a fuck?" the guy shook his head as she rolled her eyes "I'm going to make him suffer"
Jungkook was spacing out on the bed, still wondering on what's the meaning behind Taehyung's actions, why did he say that they will take care of the baby, he thought that Taehyung would want to get rid of the baby but instead he said that he wants to be the father of the baby, and to top it all, what's with the note? Is he trying to play with his heart?

Are you awake yet bunny? You were sleeping like a baby that I didn't dare to wake you up, oh, if you're wondering where I am, I'm off to somewhere and I'll be back as soon as possible, okay? Don't forget to eat breakfast that I've prepared, be a good boy and listen to daddy okay? ♡♡♡♡♡(๑・ω-)~♥"

He blinked his eyes many times as his cheeks started to redden at the note, he then slapped himself on the cheeks, shooking as his eyes went big "no, he's just being nice because of the baby, yeah, not because he has feelings for you or what so ever"

He got up from the bed and lazily walked to the kitchen where he rubbed his stomach in a circular motion and licked his dry lips, feeling starving and he could just eat anything and everything at the point where he doesn't give a shit about his dieting anymore.

His eyes saddened as he unknowingly pouted out his lips after witnessing how bad Taehyung's cooking is, he was about to cry when suddenly the front door was pushed and someone was running in like a mad person with bags in both of his hands.

That person smiled and was breathing heavily due to the running and rushing "hey bunny" he placed down all the bags on the table as he approached the older and pulled him by the waist "I know you would cry and sorry for the horrible breakfast, as for my apologies to you, I bought you food, all your favorite"

He gave him his boxy smile and pecked Jungkook on the lips before sniffing the older and kissing his neck a couple of times. Jungkook was blushing madly, heart beating fast as he stuttered to talk back to Taehyung "Y-you d-don't have to buy all that"

Taehyung let go of the hug and carried Jungkook bridal style in which the older was yelping in surprise "of course I would, you're a pregnant baby and I promise to take care of the both of you"

Tears were falling down his chubby cheeks as he sobbed like a baby, he doesn't know whether he was touched or because of the pregnancy, or maybe both but who cares, he's happy that Taehyung actually cares about the baby.


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