💙 14

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"let's end it, Tae" he stared at the floor as the words keeps replaying in his head like a broken record. He spaced out the entire time that he didn't really care what people were doing around him.

His fiance was busy looking at the decorations of the hall as she smiled at the person who decorated it "do you like it?" she nodded her head "of course I like it! It's perfect!" the person smiled at her cuteness.

"This is the end Tae, I'm not doing this anymore" he was brought back to reality when his fiance pulled him by his arm "Tae, let's go, I'm tired" he nodded his head confusingly "Okay" they walked out of the reception hall and they got in the car "1 week left, I'm so excited Tae"

He started the engine and drove off with his fiance talking and blubbering about how excited she is about the wedding and Taehyung can only smile for the entire ride to her house.
"you're crazy kook! It's yours!" the older looked down at the younger with widened eyes as he gave him a weird look of surprise and disappointment "don't do it! I won't let you" Jin said it out loud to the crying boy in which he let out a sob "P-please hyung"

Jin once again yelled at him and stared at him as if he's the crazy one here "if dad knows, he's going to kill me" Jin shook his head, still with his decision "never kook, I'm not with you in this, I'm not going to kill an innocent soul just because you told me so"

Jungkook was a crying mess, he sobbed and his nose started to redden "what you want me to do then?" he stared into the older eyes, hoping that Jin will agree with his plan but it was hopeless when Jin said no and his breath hitched when Jin mentioned his name once again "you need to tell him, he needs to know"
Taehyung pushed open his bedroom door and crashed his body on the bed as he let out a loud groan of tiredness "w-we can't do this anymore"

Those words repeated again and again for the past one week and his mind was filled with words that he really don't want to hear or think of.

"y-you're getting married" he remembered every single one of them, every word that he said that morning, he memorized it all, even his cries can still be heard in his mind. He hid his face in his hands and sighed deeply "what is wrong with me?"


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