💙 18

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Jungkook buried his face in the crook of Taehyung's neck and wrapped his hands around his broad shoulders as he sobbed out of sadness that his own father wanted to kill his baby.

Taehyung let him, hugging him tightly as if he could disappear from his sight and he really don't want that to happen cause deep inside, he knew very well that he can't live without Jungkook by his side and he would do anything to have him.

Taehyung removed Jungkook's face from his neck slowly and caress his wet cheek before leaning in for a kiss on his trembling lips. He gently gripped on his waist and pulled him closer to his body.

Jungkook closed his eyes at how sweet the kiss was and he let himself fall all over again for Taehyung as the younger deepen the kiss by pulling his neck and waist.

He whimpered at the touch as his body started to become more sensitive than before. They pulled away and Jungkook's face was burning hot at how close they were, he needed his touch so bad that he begged for more.

Taehyung bit his bottom lip at how hot Jungkook looked when he was begging for his touch with those beautiful eyes of his.

He tried his best not to lose control by remembering how fragile Jungkook can get and that he can simply break him into tiny pieces.

Jungkook stared into his eyes with his big shiny doe eyes, getting close to his face and whispered in his ear "T-tae, p-please touch me"

Taehyung gulped, feeling the urge to make the older moan endlessly underneath him but he still have the heart to not do it to him, well, not at the moment.

Jungkook still hasn't received the answer that he was waiting for and he started to kiss Taehyung sloppily on the lips. Taehyung lifted him up by his butt and slowly hovered over him on the bed.

Jungkook spread open his legs so that Taehyung could be on top of him. Taehyung caress his cheek gently before tracing his finger on his lips "why are you avoiding me?"

He pushed in his finger, preventing Jungkook from talking, in which he planned not to answer his question since he was afraid of how Taehyung would react when he finds out about why he avoided him for the past week.

Taehyung let out his finger that was coated with Jungkook's saliva "was it about the pregnancy?" Jungkook's eyes widened "y-you--" Taehyung smiled "I know"


[changed the original plot of this chapter since I wanted to add some drama for the upcoming chapters]

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