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"when it comes to wedding cakes, most the couples will choose red velvet" the baker said as she smiled widely at Taehyung and his fiance "wow, I love red velvet! What do you think tea?"

She turned to him "good, I guess" she pouted out her lips "Don't just 'I guess' me, this is important" Taehyung looked down at her with a serious face "sure, if you like it, we'll take red velvet than"

She sighed and the baker gave them a small smile before speaking "so, red velvet?" she nodded "yeah, about the design, I'll email it to you later" the baker smiled and nodded "okay miss, no problem"
They went out of the bakery and Taehyung sighed when his fiance pulled him by the arm so that he was facing her "what is wrong with you? Whenever it's related to the wedding, you always behave like this"

Tarhyung looked down at her with a confused face "behave like what?" she looked away with a smug face as she crossed her hands on her chest "don't play innocent with me Tae, don't you want to marry me?"

Taehyung sighed and softly grabbed her waist "of course I want to marry you, look, I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again" She looked away in which Taehyung smiled and try to cheer her up "hey, come on babe, please"

He made a cute face as she shook her head slightly and giggled "fine, but I'm warning you, don't ever do it again" Taehyung grinned and hugged her like a teddy bear "okay, I won't" they giggled together.


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