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Taehyung was too focused on saving Jungkook and their baby that he lost track of the enemies and fainted when one of the guys knocked him down on the head with the back of his submachine gun.

One of the guys kicked away Taehyung's gun and carried him with them as they tied his hands with handcuffs so that he wouldn't escape.

They drove away from the black van and went to the Jeons mansion. Taehyung was still unconscious with their hands behind his back as he groaned when the pain in the back of his head shot throughout his entire body as he slowly opened his eyes to the new surrounding.

With the thoughts playing in his mind and he was right when he recognized the room, he's in the Jeons mansion. He looked down and he was tied up to a chair, an iron chair which was difficult to get out of.

It was designed by Mr.Jeon himself to make it difficult for his victims to escape as he sighed out loudly knowing he will never get out, not without the control that was specifically made for the chair, the only device that can get him out from the chair.

He looked up at Mr.Jeon who entered the room with a smirk "well, we meet again V, I never thought we'd be in this kind of situation" Taehyung looked down, thinking hard about how to get to Jungkook. Mr.Jeon stood in front of him with a knife in his hand "tell me where's that bratty kid is if you still wanna live your life"

Taehyung chuckled lightly, looking up at him "you're never going to find him" Mr.Jeon punched Taehyung on the face "oh! You'll tell me yourself, soon, let's the fun begins, shall we?" He smirked as he trace the knife on Taehyung's cheek "I shouldn't have trusted you, you're just like the rest" Taehyung laughed like a maniac "do whatever you want to me, you'll never have Jungkook" Mr.Jeon was in great danger as he started to torture Taehyung.
Jungkook waited for Taehyung but he never came like he said he would. Jungkook whipped his tears before fully standing on his feet "I need to find him" he looked around, still puzzled at the room. Yes, he did all the designs in the apartment with Taehyung but never did he think that there was a secret room like he was currently in actually existed in the apartment.

He went to the door and was knocking "Taehyung!" He bang on the door couple of times before he discovered a keypad, in which he thought was the only way out of the room. He tried everything but failed. He was about to cry when suddenly a memory of him and Taehyung flashed in his mind "it must be it!"

He immediately key in '5416" and the door slowly opened. He smiled at the password since it was the date when they first met each other in a bar. It was pretty cliche but that was the time when he fell in love with Taehyung right away after he saw the younger and to his luck, Taehyung was assigned to be in his group and not his dad's.

Jungkook was holding his baby bump while running to the car "I need to finish this once and for all" he said looking down at his bump before starting the engine with handguns right on the passenger seat.


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