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Jungkook was helping his mother with the food in the kitchen "you don't have to help me kookie, go, if he sees you helping me, he'd beat you up"

Jungkook looked down at his tummy and nodded as he backed away from the table slowly "okay, I'll wait for you then" his mother gave him a small smile before hugging him "I'm sorry that you have to live like this"

Jungkook smiled and patted her back softly "it's okay mom, I'm fine" his mother let go of the hug and caress his cheek gently "you're a good son, Jungkook, I hope you'll get your happiness soon"
"The number you have dialed is not in service" he groaned and kept on dialing the same number again and again "come on baby, pick up" he sighed when there was no sign of Jungkook picking up his calls.

He sat on the edge of his bed and caress his face in frustration as he laid down on his back "why is he doing this?" he closed his eyes and let the sleep take over his body.

Ever since that day, he has never seen him again, Jungkook will always avoid him and say that he doesn't need him or let him work with someone else instead of meeting Jungkook.

It really pissed Taehyung off and he really wanted to meet him so badly but whenever he went to his house or the apartment, he was not there and that upset Taehyung even more. He can't think straight anymore and his mind will always be filled with Jungkook.

He opened his eyes and got up from the bed, he need to see him and he know exactly who can help him. He grabbed his car key and drove to the hospital.
Jin was startled when the door of his office was swing opened by someone and that person was no other than Taehyung "what with the rush? You scared me" Jin said as he sighed when it was just Taehyung and not some scary people that usually barge into his office.

"Hyung, have you seen Jungkook?" Jin looked away and fake a cough "No" Taehyung don't buy his acting and stood in front of Seokjin with a serious face "I know you're lying" Jin looked up at him and sighed "okay, fine, I am lying"

Taehyung grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him with full force "tell me why he's avoiding me? I need to know why he's acting like this" Jin calmed him down by patting his hands which is still gripping on his jacket "I'll tell you but first, calm down and take a seat"


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