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Taehyung carefully covered Jungkook in the comforter to make him warm as he sat at the edge of the bed and let out a sigh of frustration "fuck"

He ruffled his hair, making it even more messier than before "why was it so hard to say? It's 3 words, only three!" he mumbled and covered his face with his hands.

He has been struggling to say it and he still hasn't had the right moment to say it out properly to Jungkook and he's such an idiot for not saying the truth to him and ended up saying something else instead.

He knew from his expression that Jungkook was hurting by his sudden words and he wanted him to just forget about it by touching him and hoping that Jungkook would feel better.

He watched as the bunny wiggled in his sleep, probably having a bad dream, with that Taehyung leaned in and softly pecked Jungkook on the forehead, smiling at how adorable Jungkook is when he's asleep.

His phone buzzed as he reached out for his boxer and pants before picking up the call "Tae, where are you?" his fiance whined, probably pouting out her lips in which Taehyung just smiled "What's wrong?"

"let's go out on a date before we get married" She happily said, sounding excited as she smiled through the phone "Oh, sure" Taehyung looked behind and stared at Jungkook who was still sleeping soundly on the bed with both of his palms rested underneath his cheek.

"I'll be there in 10" he hung up and stood up from the bed, getting in his clothes as he walked to Jungkook's side and kneed down on his knees with his hand softly touching his soft raven hair.

He smiled and took a piece of memo paper that was on the small table beside the bed and wrote something down before leaving the room with a gentle shut of the door.


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