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Sitting on the sofa with crossed legs, letting out smoke from the cigarette and filling the room with nothing but smoke. He wants to smile, telling himself that it's finally over, the revenge, the thirst for blood is finally all gone.

He's free, free from the thoughts of killing the person he trusted the most, the person he loved. It's over, he can finally break free from all the pain that he was feeling.

Staring at the news and listening to the reporter explaining how the bodies of men were buried years before they discovered it. People all around the world are talking about her, his first love who happens to be a serial killer at a very young age which shook the world at how clean she was at doing her job of killing her victims who are mostly men.

He closed his eyes, letting out tears as he remembers the past. She was his first love and he won't deny that he still loves her to the point that he finds it pathetic.

He wanted to hate her but he just can't, his heart just won't let him, even knowing how horrible she is, how a psycho she actually is, he still loves her.

He knows that she was lying the whole time when they were still dating, he knows about her having a fiance back in Korea. He knows that she went out with many guys before him, but what he didn't know before was that she is a killer, a serial killer.

He witnessed her killing her ex and he knows so well that she's a psycho just by witnessing the way she was laughing like a maniac and was stabbing the body many times with the knife.

He was afraid and scared but never did he act in certain ways in front of her that could make her suspicious of him knowing everything. He went digging for pieces of information about her behind her back and shockingly, everything about her is shocking.

Her current parents are her stepparents. She never mentioned anything about that to him. Her biological mother is dead and in her records, it says that it was her biological father who killed her mother by torturing her slowly by how they examinant the body of her dead mother.

She witnessed it all and after that, she started to hate men and was suffering from serious mental health which leads her on having thoughts of killing people.

She was mentally unstable ever since she was five years old. The incident happened when she was seven and she was bought to the orphanage while her father was sentenced to death by the court.

Doctors also discovered that she was raped multiple times by her father ever since she was just two years old and that is what makes her suffer from depression at such a young age.

Her mother was never nice to her, she hated her daughter to the thought that she gave birth to someone like her father, she was raped by the man and got herself pregnant and forced into an unwanted marriage.

She got adopted when she was nine by a wealthy couple who immediately regrets their choice of adopting her after knowing that the orphanage lied about her background and also lied about her. With no choice, they have to raise her like their own since they desperately want children and also because people already know about them adopting a child.

They gave her everything, being the spoiled daughter but never did they love her, they were scared of her. Multiple incidents happened that almost got themselves killed just by pissing her off.

Instead of adopting an angel, they adopted a devil instead. She's really good at acting and manipulating people which scared them. She would kill animals emotionlessly and would also kill the maids and butlers.

They would always be covered up for her since they were scared that she would kill them. She was the worse.

He was really in shock after reading everything and knowing everything from her step-parents but he was willing to talk to her and make her give in since he loves her but everything went downhill when she snapped and thought that she had killed him.

Surprisingly he survived since the cut was not too deep and he believed that she thought that he was dead. Without any doubts, he called him, telling him everything which the person was chuckling

"she played you too? I admitted it, I was a fool too, just like you, she was my first love back in high school, but it broke my heart knowing that she's cheating with many men behind my back, she's slick, she tricked people around her and manipulates us easily"

"We have to do something, she's crazy, I want revenge since she almost killed me"

"She said that she's coming back to Korea in a few days, how 'bout you come here and we plan something out? Since I myself have my own revenge to take care of"

"Sounds like a plan"
He let out a small smile, that night, the night when Taehyung brought her along, he was so happy that he can finally have his revenge, he was so excited but he let the feelings take over his body and let go of the knife. She was crying and begging for Taehyung to take her back even knowing that Taehyung was not there anymore.

He knows deep down that he's not a killer, not like her. He fished out his cellphone and called out a number. It was the detective that he has been contacting ever since he knew about her being a killer.

The detective was investigating her parents ever since the missing of their maids and butlers and never did he think that she was the killer. They make fake id of her and lied about her adoption.

They covered everything up for her, even pieces of information about her birth and her medical records. She was slick.

They worked together ever since and the confessions of her stepparents would make the case go big but he was so lost, wanting an act of revenge and lost contact with the detective and decided to kill her himself with the help of Taehyung to actual make her suffer since they know, she only loves Taehyung.

He struggled since she was strong but he did it anyway, knocking her out and tying her up really tight before calling the police and that's how she ended up in jail and discovered the bodies in Korea and also back in America where she studied. She was sentenced to death just like her biological father.
He turned off the television, got up from the sofa and smiled. He's free and so does Taehyung, they were both victims.

He talked to Taehyung on the phone and thanked him before leaving the rental room and planning to go back to America and live his life with ease.

She was his first love
She was Taehyung's first love


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