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Jungkook blinked his eyes open, roaming his eyes around the room only to find Taehyung sleeping on the chair beside him while holding his hand.

He wanted to get up from the sleeping position but Taehyung quickly prevent him from doing so "baby, you're still weak, don't move, you need rest" he said softly while rubbing Jungkook's hand in slow motion, hoping that it'll calm Jungkook down "but Tae, our b-baby"

Taehyung smiled and patted Jungkook's stomach gently "our baby is fine, you don't have to worry" he kissed Jungkook on the lips, making the older to soften in his sweet kiss as the younger slowly rubbed the older sides to make him feel better and to tell him that he's save "we can go home tomorrow first thing in the morning but for tonight we'll be staying here, okay?"

Jungkook nodded and pulled Taehyung so that he was sitting on the hospital bed, well, the bed was pretty big so there's no worry about them having to squeeze together or Jungkook falling from the bed. He smiled and snuggled into Taehyung's chest as he wrapped his arms around his waist.

Taehyung chuckled at how cute Jungkook can be even though he has killed many people and that he's a mafia. The two fell asleep as soon as they close their eyes.
Morning came and the two were already awake as Taehyung went to the doctor to ask permission on taking Jungkook home and when he allowed him, he quickly went back to the room where Jungkook was already sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for Taehyung to get him "ready baby?" Jungkook looked up and smiled his bunny smile "ready!" He said excitingly.

Taehyung carried Jungkook bridal style and drove off his car back to their mansion. After getting out of the car, Jungkook was questioning himself, why hasn't he seen Taehyung's wife anywhere, she usually was the one who would make noise or scream when Taehyung get home.

It bothered him that he wanted to ask Taehyung so badly but he kept quiet when Taehyung looked down at him with a smirk.

Judging by the smirk, he knew exactly what Taehyung mean by smirking. He just killed someone and to say that he never saw Taehyung's wife since that day makes him to think twice, don't tell him that Taehyung killed his own wife.


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