Chapter 1: Ignition

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Note: this is the beginning of my rewrite, generally for retconning and smoothening of my grammar and to reinforced and correct my inadequacy in my early months of writing.

Here is generally grammar correction, removal of photos, that I deemed generally unnecessary by now, I didn't add anything as it's overly spoiling the situation in Parpaldia for new readers. Chapter 2, I might deemed them to revise completely, but following chaps that carbon copies will be either completely rewrite, or added with depths basically copy-paste that with added lore or information as not to compromise the ongoing plot that I failed to stop from tweaking and going overboard, doing 2 rewrite straight with over 30k and 17k word respectively of Lauria in first arc being an interwar or industrialized country surpasses Napoleonic era parpaldia, bruh, also, this will be my final republish, I won't do it like my chapter 0 and 1, only notice I'll give the moment I finished my rewrite is the published chapter 89, that's it, my rewrite of my early chapters have completed.


July 17, 1640

In the west of the fortified city of Naisles in the Parpaldia Empire, multiple armored silhouettes accelerated, kicking up dust under the cover of a small composite flight machine observing the surroundings. This city is located 150 kilometers northeast of the Esthirant imperial capital within the Parpaldia Empire.

Their objective was plain and simple: to harass enemy forces and neutralize as many as possible in the designated target area to deplete their combat potential. The plan was to pin them down in one point and force them into submission.

Initially, when the war began, initiating attacks against large concentrations of enemy forces with just a few dozen tanks, armored vehicles, and some utility vehicles without air cover was relatively suicidal due to the presence of Wyverns. However, the situation changed. The complete air dominance enjoyed by the combined forces of ASEAN allowed attacks to be carried out without air support. The Parpaldian wyvern forces were either decimated or forced to flee to colonial territories or to the western part of the empire that had not yet been attacked. Nonetheless, there remained a problem.

"Why is the upper management so unreasonable? For Pete's sake, we belong to the escort groups of the Logistics and Transport Battalion, not frontline units to be sent into hostile grounds," complained a Vietnamese Colonel, who served as the commanding officer of the 41st Logistics and Transport Battalion. This battalion was part of the multinational task force known for its foreign legion-esque style, comprising Malaysian, Filipino, and Vietnamese forces. This task force was aligned with the 2nd ASEAN Combined Expeditionary Eastern Forces to Philades (2nd ACEEF-P).

"They said we've got tanks," the adjutant retorted.

"What kind of logic is that? Ordering us out of nowhere to attack and harass that insignificant place, not to mention deep behind enemy lines," the Colonel continued.

The upper management considered cities and fortified bases without strategic value or possession of sufficient forces and weapons to threaten the combined army as insignificant targets with no potential gains. Orders were given to ignore and isolate such places and focus on securing cities with greater strategic importance, resembling the island hopping tactics employed by the Americans in the Pacific War against Japanese forces during World War II.

The adjutant could only sigh. "Can't be helped, Sir. That's what the brass ordered us to do. Moreover, the decision came from the ASEAN council to gain a better grip on our newly acquired territories in the Philades. Additionally, we have an excess of forces, with nearly three dozen tanks, including some brand-new T-90s, and around three to four dozen operational armored vehicles. They argue it's wasteful to leave this equipment unused in actual combat operations."

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