Chapter 111: Die Zeit

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An AH-64D Apache gunship sliced through the air, its pilot, Captain Jual, scanned the battlefield below with intense focus. The thrum of the engines and the whir of the rotors resonated in the area menacingly as they darted through the sky, weaving through the air as they evaded enemy fire.

"We've got multiple hostiles spotted near the northwest corner of the encampment. Let's take 'em out," crackled the voice of his weapon officer, Lieutenant Ethan, through the intercom.

"Roger that, Ethan. Going in, now," Jual replied, his hands steady on the controls as he guided the gunship towards the designated area.

Below, Annonrial forces scrambled in disorganization as the gunship unleashed a barrage of fire from its autocannon, tearing through enemy positions with precision. Jual banked sharply to evade incoming fire, keeping the Apache's nose pointed towards the enemy.

"Nice shooting, Jual! Good hit," Ethan chimed in, his voice with satisfaction as explosions erupted on the ground below.

"Thanks," Jual responded with a hum of satisfaction as he scanned for more targets.

As they circled back for another pass, "Target-rich environment to the east," Jual spotted a convoy of enemy vehicles attempting to flee the area. "Got it," Ethan said so, after aligning — without hesitation, he armed the Apache's rockets and unleashed a volley towards the fleeing targets.

"Direct hit," Jual announced, a hint of triumph in his voice as the enemy vehicles erupted into flames and scattered throughout the roadside.

"We've got more hostiles incoming from the south. I'm vectoring in the other gunships to provide support," Ethan informed him, his voice calm despite the seriousness of the situation.

"Copy that," Jual replied, his eyes scanning the horizon for signs of the enemy.

As they zeroed in on enemy forces, Jual deftly maneuvered the Apache, ducking near the ground and weaving through incoming fire while maintaining a steady stream of return fire and passing overhead at high speed. The ground erupted in flames and explosions as the gunships engaged the enemy in a strafing fire.

"Nimrod 4! Watch your six! Missiles! Smoke in the air!," came the warning from another gunship pilot.

"Flares! Flares!," Jual instinctively responded, his fingers tightening on the controls as forcefully drift the gunship into the air, "Flare out," Ethan responded in followed suit on the sound of missile locked, as burst of flares lit up the sky and the missiles thrown off course, setting their proximity fuse into the nearest heat source. Then, Jual narrowly evading the aerial explosion — locked onto the origin of the attack — several infantries in his sight and proceeded to engage them with autocannons as they scattered in return fire.

"We're low on ammo," said Ethan to Jual as they made a highspeed fly-by over the scattered infantries.

"Coordinate with the FARPs in the rear,"

"Affirmative..." Ethan responded, his voice low as he communicated with the rear line in southern Philades. A minute later, he spoke up again, "Let's head to Point India, we're clear to refuel and rearm there."

"Loud and clear," Jual acknowledged as they began to withdraw from the scene. In the horizon, their ground forces soon appeared as lines of tanks and other armored units blitzed on the ground. "The Annonrials are about to get a taste of our ground units," Jual remarked with a smile. They moved towards the rear line to some of the FARPs, together with other gunships, to refuel and rearm in these temporary facilities perilously close to the frontlines to return to the fight.

Annonrial 14th Field Army

On the ground, frenzied and disorganized units of Annonrials were scattered, sporadically fighting back in the midst of the turmoil caused by the ballistic missiles slamming into their encampments. Then, followed by several helicopter gunships ripping them to pieces and adding chaos and pressure to their situation as they roamed the sky undeterred. Nearby, an officer barked orders as he captured several Annonrial infantry huddling in the trenches in fear. "Fools! Those enemy aircraft! Shoot them!" he commanded. The soldiers finally began to regain their senses and attempted to stand, but a rocket hit the nearest tent, sending the soldiers who had tried to stand back into the trench in fear.

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