Chapter 20: Two Escalating Conflicts

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Central calendar year 1939, 20th of  November. Parpaldian Empire, 3rd Foreign Affairs Department office

Department head Kyeos was confused at the same time furious after reading the report coming from his subordinates. The cause of this are the kingdom of Fenn who smeared mud to the Empires face after they rejected the Parpaldians generous offers to this country in exchange of a plot of Fennese land that aren't being used however the sword king declined the acceptance of those nonetheless the 3rd department came up with another plan of leasing the land for 498 years, again with significant changes to benefits each other but nonetheless declined by the current Fennese king once again.

Furious by the hypocritical attitude by the barbarians, Kyeos order a sortie of oversight army to bring punishment to the defiant barbarians to learn their place that the Empire of Parpaldia whom hold a dominance over 5 civilized countries and 67 uncivilized one's , to be mocked by some rundown countryside barbarians is the greatest insult for him.

The 22 ship force of oversight army supported by a wyvern unit were sent off to impart the proper knowledge to the barbarians that attending military festival in amanoki on what is the true horror of defying a superpower.

First wave of terror was 21 wyverns that sent to burn the amanoki to grounds however the unit were apparently being attacked by large ships before getting the communication cut off. That's what Admiral Poquetoire first reported on the magic communications, next is due to uncertainties the admiral decided to head to the amanoki to witness itself what's the reason why the wyverns been wiped out, along the way they encountered a Fennese fleet which been sunked moments later however the next reported and it's last is there's 8 large ships that blocking the way that's all, seems there's a communication malfunction but the time passed for hours the contact with the fleet was completely cut off. The next thing they've heard is there's a rumour that a Parpaldian fleet was sunk off coast of amanoki. In response to this Kyeos ordered a thorough investigation to the rumors that turned out as credible. That's the reason why he is confused how could possibly, a barbarian to defeat a fleet of a superpower and according to the rumors the possible country that perpetrated it was the ASEAN--The country that brings him so much troubles after the end of the Rodenius Conflict.

Recognizing this new enemy, Kyeos embarked in a cautious and thorough collection of scrutinization of informations coming from ASEAN. However, he little he knows that the ASEAN already gearing up for war that would be so distasteful for them and planting some box full of surprises for months of preparation.

Central Calendar Year 1939, 29th of September, Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras 2 months ago.

In southwest of Philades, a bit far away from the civilized area, there's a kingdom called Altaras. With a population boasting of 15 million, it was considered large in terms of both national power and population for a country outside civilized areas. It had a warm climate. The architecture in the royal capital was based on spheres, with all of its buildings built to be round. The country was economically speaking outstanding despite being outside the civilized area and their riches came from exports since it had large deposit magic gems, and in the capital Le Brias, 500,000 people living in, were all are very lively.

It's been a few days since the accidental engage or the so-called small scale skirmishes between ASEAN fleet and Parpaldian oversight army in Fenn. A group of people, that having some quite exotic looks currently walking in the paveroad of the Le Brias castle for an appointment about economic trade and bartering of equipments from it's surplus inventories of captured varieties of sailing sails such as galleons in a conflict that ended months ago.

"Envoys of ASEAN, Am I correct?" A guard questions the group, which prompted the group to agree "Yes we are, hoping for a meeting with your higher-ups with urgency"

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