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Stuff I'd like to say as this formal part of the story is completed

Special mentions to LaamNguyen, MalaysianAce, AlexDSU, and others that I've forgotten, sorry, earlier readers who earnestly motivated me to push this pile of questionable ramblings to continue. Yeah, this fic was intended to be a crackfic, copy-paste, lazy, no logistics, no logic, curbstomping fic with bio chapters. The fics during that time were riddled with, you know, 2021 cracked ideas, hyperpowerful, extra-dimensional Philippines, and other ultra-nationalistic counterparts of other countries, animes, and I think I remember there's a Kuroino summoning (TF were you guys that created that fic high on drugs?).

In any case, it continued. I think my view counts were only around 200 for the last 3 months? I wasn't really motivated at that time but here I am now, having somehow churned out 118 chapters and 650k words. I don't know how the read-time system of Wattpad works, but it was estimated to be 650k when I converted it. Also, I never really wanted to deviate from my intended endings, like Ravenals never existed and ASEAN just pumped out supercarriers out of nowhere. Earlier readers can relate to the bio chapter nonsense I had. A lot of ups and downs happened during the pandemic, and this thing became my pastime along with my other fics.

I guess, some additional mention, I think the name was Arifuji Narumi? The guy who authored Summoning Three ASEAN Countries was the one who inspired me to write this. For those who don't know it was one of the first summoned fics I read and I was clueless about other fics like SA, Kai, SUSEA until November 2021, I guess, when I discovered Reddit exists. There's no real mention of the fandom there, as I myself am not really active. I discovered NHS on my own way back in 2018-2019 on Narou. I discovered the Japanese fandom first before the English fandom, which is the funniest thing that happened to me, before I realized there's an English translated version of NHS.

By the end of the fic, I've got something like 8 chapters of side stories that aren't canon at all. I don't know what to do.

For those who ask whether I'm rebooting or adding a sequel, or if I should continue the current settings considering there's a lot to tackle, like the aftermath of Annonrial nuking, fighting remnants of Annonrials in Philades or the Northern Coalition, what happened to Hanson, their territories, their allies, the breakup of ASEAN, and their reunification once more, Mu-Valkies peace accords, or what happened after the new world war—I’m not sure. I'll take a break as I contemplate the situation. Whether I take the space route, the returning-to-Earth route, the reboot route, or the continuation route, I'll take some time away from the NHS fandom.

But in any case, without any more chattering, I'm thankful for everyone to stay tuned reading this book until the end despite the anticlimactic ending, I am sincerely very grateful. Thank you.

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