Chapter 7: The Offshore Battle of Rodenius (PART 2)

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Suddenly, smoke rises up from the giant ship 3 km away. Then, a successive trail of lights flew overhead and passed through the Laurian fleet heading to the direction of wyverns. Due to these incomprehensible phenomenon Vice-Admiral Scharkun have a nasty premonitions but he ignore it and only focusses on giving out orders .

"The wyvern corps should reach us soon. All ships prepare for simultaneous Assualt."

But a tragedy struck the wyvern Corps. Without knowing the caused twenty wyverns explode and fell to the sea. Another twelve after few seconds. One after the other, they exploded and fell In the air. This never happened in history. After storm passed, the wyverns were reduced from 350 to 300. The corps began to panic, then they caught the glimpse enemy ship in sight.

300 wyverns arrived flying over the Laurian fleet. And now they can see the large enemy ship.

When they tried to attack the Intrepid, forty of them suddenly wrapped on explosion. Twenty-one aircraft comprising of F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-15 Strike Eagle and Su-30 Flanker launched multiple missile saturation strikes, dwindling the number of wyverns down to 170. Then, the air group ceased the attacks and withdrawn from the area.

The surviving riders who recovered from the attack, whom thought that the storm of attacks came to an end and got the chance to attack the lone enemy ship. But, unfortunately the horror didn't stop, suddenly the enemy ship emitted an of arrow of light. Then after, chased and hit the wyverns and causing them to fall from the sky.

Their numbers quickly shrunken, they still stayed in collision course straight ahead to the Intrepid. When they've got closed enough. Only 120 wyverns survived in the midst of attack.

But, here upon entering the range of cannons, 8 kilometers away the ship started firing its deck guns, taking down one wyvern with each shot. The cannon unrealistically firing consecutive shoots than what Scharkun thought possible. Additionally, the incomprehensible arrow of light was still blowing them up non-stop.

 When their distance approaches 3 km. The storm of shells stops. And the numbers reduced to 10

"It's over! they finally runout of magical power! Now, let's send them to hell in the place our fallen comrades!"

10 wyverns opened their mouths, fireballs quickly taking form. But At that time, 2 of those wyverns were turned in to mincemeat.


Then in quick successions. Improved 25mm Mk.38 Mod 3 Typhoon Weapon Station which had a firing rate of 250 rounds/minute, with coaxially 7.62mm machine gun with a rate of fire 570 round-per-minute. Any wyverns dared to encroach in it's deadly range turned into nauseating piece of pulverized meat.

Then silence dominated the sea


No one can believe it and they've been rendered speechless. For them, ships cannot fight against wyverns. Simply defeating a lone wyvern with just ships is close to nil and let alone 170 of them! The 350-strong elite wyvern riders of Laurians have been wiped out within 15 minutes.

Were they dreaming? ...No they definitely awake and currently experiencing the horror on site.

"Are we... fighting devil's?"

Scharkun murmured with a sense of defeat. He had no idea what kind of expression he was making.

Unfortunately, the goddess of misfortunes have yet to let them go.

20 more giant ships appeared in the horizon. And all of them are equip with magic weapons capable to sinking a ship with one or two shots. This initial engagement would later be known in history as The Great Naval Battle of Rodenius.

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