Chapter 106: Day of Arrival

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Annonrial Empire, Magicaregia

At the heart of the empire, within the chambers of the Emperor's conference hall in Avestria, a thick air of tension permeate on the area as Zaratosthra stood before his council, his face a mask of disappointment and anger. His piercing gaze bore into each member of the council, instilling fear and trembling in all who met his eyes.

"All you could manage against a vastly numerically inferior Milishial fleet, led by a half-elf bastard, was to stalemate them?" His voice was laced with disdain and frustration, his disappointment. "I have no words for your incompetence."

The council members shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny, their expressions a mix of shame and self-loathing.

"My Emperor, if we wait for another month, we should be able to breakthrough their defense lines," one of the officials offered in their defense, his voice trembling slightly. "We're deploying a flight of pal chimera in the fight, so we should be able to change the status-,"

But before he could finish his sentence, Zaratosthra's gaze turned icy, and with a flick of his hand, mysterious power surged forth-not magic, obliterating the unfortunate official in an instant. The force of the attack was so immense that his head was blown clean off, sending blood, flesh, and bone scattering across the table. The nearest Annonrial let out a horrified shriek, while the rest of the council sat in stunned silence, shaken to their very core.

"I have been generous for some time now, enduring your delays and excuses despite the transgressions you've committed," Zaratosthra's voice echoed through the chamber, filled with disappointment and frustration. "Your incompetence and inefficiency have led to nothing but wasted time and resources. Despite this, I have continued to provide you with the resources, men, and materials necessary for your operations, only to be met with disappointment after disappointment."

He shook his head lightly, his expression grave as he surveyed the council. "To think that each of you would fall short in such a manner is beyond belief." The tension in the room was heavy as everyone awaited his next move, fearful of what consequences might await them.

"So, everyone responsible for the failures on the Milishial front shall be replaced," Zaratosthra's voice was cold and unforgiving, sending shivers down the spines of those in the chamber. "You will be stripped of your achievements, ranks, properties, and titles to compensate for the losses we have suffered."

Panic and protest began to rise among the council members, but before they could utter a word, they were swiftly restrained by the imperial guards, their protests silenced.

"But that alone is not sufficient," Zaratosthra continued, his tone resolute. "I cannot allow such incompetence to spread any further. Therefore, all of you with contagious foolishness must be exterminated."

Without hesitation, the imperial guards moved with deadly efficiency, snapping the necks of the officials responsible for the failures on the Milishial front, their bodies falling lifelessly to the ground. The chamber fell into an eerie silence, punctuated only by the sound of Zaratosthra's satisfied nods as it shook fancy magic gems on his luxurious royal suit.

"How about the war in Philades? How are our armies faring?" Zaratosthra inquired, his tone slightly calmer now that his wrath had been unleashed on those responsible for the failures on the Milishial front. "It may not be a resounding success, but surely it isn't as disappointing as the situation in Milishial, correct?"

He leaned back in his throne, contemplating the state of affairs in Philades. The empire's investment in the region had been minimal compared to the Milishial front, with the primary objective being to stall and bleed the ASEAN military and economic power. Turning Philades into a quagmire of conflict that they couldn't easily extricate themselves from - a veritable hellhole.

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