Chapter 85: Western Affairs

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Albion Castle, Holy Milishial Empire
July 3, 1641

In the most prominent building in the capital city of Runepolis, the heart of the Holy Milishial Empire, multiple faces gathered, including the Emperor, the third imperial prince Gaius, and several other high-ranking officials. They were engaged in a discussion about the ongoing conflict in the second civilization.

"The Nigrat Union forces in Sonal have been completely devastated, and Sonal itself is on the brink of destruction due to these assailants attacking the continent," Emperor Milishial stated, his gaze focused on the information in his hand. "The Sonalian royal family is also withdrawing to Nigrat and Magikareich, accompanied by a large number of refugees from the destruction of their towns and cities, caused by what appears to be arrows of light."

Everyone in the room maintained their silence as Hirkane Parpe, the Director of the Ancient Arms Analysis and Tactical Operations Department, finally spoke up, breaking the silence. "Considering Sonal is generally the weakest independent nation in the second civilization, with a population of less than 2 million, it's understandable that they would rely on Nigrat and Magikareich for support, both economically and militarily," he began. "However, the information we've been trying to confirm for the past few months is rather concerning. The reports from the battlefield, along with the discovery of weapons resembling our own and the relics of ancient sorcerous empire, are disturbing. So far, it seems they are not them, atleast."

Agra, the head of national defense, responded to Hirkane's words with concern. "We don't have any leaks of weapons, do we?" he asked quietly. "There might be something shady going on, and our weapons could be ending up in the hands of other countries."

Hirkane shook his head in response. "That's impossible. We have already signed a treaty with all the countries in the first civilization, ensuring that any relics excavated or reverse engineered will remain within the first civilization borders. The supplies we provided to Parpaldia were not ancient sorcerous empire relics or direct but derived reverse engineered technology, thus it's rather our failed prototypes. Lastly, they were different from the excavated relics we possess."

He referred to the anti-aircraft guns, autocannons, light artillery, and assorted landmines, which were only used twice throughout the entire conflict. Additionally, the missile systems, which were not meant to be exported but were intended to prolong the war and test their effectiveness against ASEAN military units, failed miserably and were destroyed during an attack on a Parpaldian military base in the west.

However, their intention was not to genuinely support Parpaldia. Rather, they saw it as an opportunity to eliminate the filth called 'fallen aristocratic families' who had been sent to lead the foreign legion of Parpaldia. Their involvement in the war in Philades ultimately led to their inevitable demise, as they were been mostly bombed to oblivion by the forces of SEADF. Many of them were captured, and their equipment was confiscated, leading to the further fueling the anti-Milishial sentiment among the people of Southeast Asia, first began to stir the moment Milishial sends a fleet of warships in Lauria, as seen on social media platforms.

Since then, the relationship between ASEAN and the Holy Milishial Empire has been characterized as not friendly, not close, but not hostile either. However, due to the ASEAN's growing influence in the third civilization and the far reaches of the second civilization, a subtle cold war has begun to take shape between the two powers. Conflicting interests and opposing stances have created a tense situation, akin to a dam reaching its breaking point or a storm brewing on the horizon.

"Other than that..." Gaius, the half-elf half-human imperial prince, interjected and spoke up. "Shouldn't we address the fact that the operators and soldiers of the attacking forces are winged people?" He glanced around the room, seeking acknowledgment.

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