Chapter 2.5

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Southeast Asia, ??

Southeast Asia is home to over 660 million people and 11 countries. However, due to the whims of the gods, they were summoned to vanquish the menace of the new world's nemesis, the Ravernal Empire, prior to the final disappearance of the last case of the pandemic in the first week of October, after the World Health Organization announced the eradication of the pandemic which tormented the people of Earth for years. However, the Southeast Asian nations, which have yet to recover from the scars of a global scale pandemic, were transported to another world.

After the loss of connectivity from the outside world, chaos immediately engulfed almost all parts of the region. In Myanmar, a short civil war was sparked after the democratic party and military clashed on opinions on how to handle the country's affairs after hearing about the disappearance of their neighbors. In Indonesia and Malaysia, separatist and radical religious terror groups have become more active, together with the pirates in the Malacca Straight. In the Philippines, two cities were occupied by rebel forces, forcing the president to declare nation wide martial law, which lasted for nearly two months. Vietnam and Thailand, meanwhile, declared a state of emergency upon hearing of the disappearance of their neighboring countries, followed by reinforcing their borders after getting wind of the military deployment of their neighbors on their respective borders. In East Timor, panic buying was rampant. Brunei, on the other hand, enforced a semi-martial law order by the Sultan and called for arms. Both Laos and Cambodia were in a state of confusion and prepared themselves for possible invasion by other countries nearby. And lastly, Singapore ordered all of their available combat aircraft and ships to sortie to increase the security and protect their nation from any possible attacks, while at the same time inquiring into what was happening in Malaysia and Indonesia and issue a government order to suspend all of the classes from preschool to college; a temporary suspension of non-governmental related work; and so on.

After a month of inquiry and cooperation on each nation's part, they finally got confirmation of what happened, as they concluded that their current geographical location is no longer Asia nor Earth due to the increased distance between the horizon and the difference of astrological bodies in this unknown world. While there's some physical evidence and facts that prove they aren't on earth anymore, many are still skeptical due to the unscientific method of transference of a large land mass into another world.

The Southeast Asian military immediately launched sorties, with the Philippines being the first to spot an unknown landmass north of their archipelago on November 2, 2021/1638, with their coast guard vessels sent to try to get contact from either Taiwan or China, followed by Indonesia with the discovery of southern landmasses from their night recon mission a few days later, which led to the discovery of Quiran coastal towns which were shrouded in darkness due to lack of electricity and other modern appliances. They initiated recon missions a couple more times from November 5 to 15, 2021/1638, which gave them some insight on what technological level these natives have, and Singapore being the first to outright intrude without secrecy in otherworld sovereign airspace after flying a C-130 from RMAF Butterworth alongside an Indonesian Boeing 737, which had only a few minutes' difference in first contact with natives November 17, 2021: Singapore openly intruded at 8:12 AM; Indonesia openly intruded at 8:23 AM. Though both had different objectives, one went towards the myhark and the other went to the coastal cities of Quira.

A few days after the first contact, the countries of Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam followed suit in their quest to understand what happened. On November 20, Thailand discovered Altaras, and Vietnam was the first to contact the new world pirates and recorded sinking one of their ships. Malaysia suffered its first casualties when sea monsters attacked the coastal regions of Sarawak, killing a dozen fishermen after confusing the monsters with the sudden change in ecosystem which prompted them to become more active. This was followed by the casualties coming from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam, and the perpetrators were herds of dozens, if not hundreds, of 30 to 100 meter long aggressive and carnivorous unknown species of fast moving tentacled mollusks known as kraken in the Rodenius continent. They were known as an extravagant delicacy in the civilized sphere and a weak type of individual sea monster, but if attacked in herds, it definitely poses danger. And the only way to defeat them is when they cling to the ships with their tentacles thus exposing themselves for attack, or attack with harpoons under water or with sea mines, which are exclusive to more or less 10 nations of this world, such as Mu, HME, AE, and some nations of the first and second civilizations.

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