Chapter 36: Operation Decapitation

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Altaras Forward Control Base, April 1, 1640

It's been a week since the ASEAN occupied the Esthirant, and ongoing airstrikes to defend the captured capital is escalating everyday. To force the Parpaldian to withdraw from this place, they needed one thing to remove, it is the logistics and lifeline of the armies that attacking the Esthirant, the largest industrial city of parpaldia, the duro.

The ASEAN planned to originally spare the armies of parpaldia stationed in the borders and colonies to stabilize the region, if the ASEAN where to eliminate all of the armies of Imperial forces, it would possibly turned into catalytic consequences of a greater conflict because if the Parpaldia weakened to a great degree, the neighboring hegemonic countries might join the war and cause wider scale conflict that might span on the entire Philades. So, they trying to avoid causing too much damage on the manpower of the imperial army.

In turn of this evente, if the imperial army is relatively in good condition after the end of war, they will greatly help stabilized the region, saving the ASEAN forces from getting deployed in Philades in peacekeeping missions on the colonies that will be announced as independent nations, and be demobilized to a defensive army in the future once they fullfilled their purposes.

Unfortunately, the damaged they tried to mitigate already reached over 160,000 dead, wounded or missing.

Additionally, to help the Parpaldian's stand on their feet, they spared much of the shipyards, weapon factories, mines from surgical bombings they initiated. However, things already turned haywire, and they're already preparing to destroy the duro, due to the abrupt intervention of Milishial, the ASEAN finally began to considering launching all out attack on the core nation of empire before things gone out of control and contain the imperial movements.

"1st, 3rd and 4th bombardier squadron have completed their resupply and ready to go, Sir."

"The 61st and 71st composite air dominance squadron have finished their prepping period, Sir."

"Give an authorization for the commencement the operation Decapitation."

"Yes sir!."

16 converted bomber and 19 escort fighters departed from Altaras Airport. The Operation was a hasty revision of earlier plan called Operation Takedown, a plan to thoroughly decimate all of the military related facilities throughout the coastal lines of parpaldia.

35 ASEAN aircrafts flew at the altitude which impossible for the Parpaldian's wyverns could reach and steadily closing in towards the unsuspecting city of duro.

Duro, Empire of Parpaldia

The coastal city of duro, the industrial powerhouse of the empire, capable of producing hundreds of cannons, carriages, and thousands of muskets per month. No one could rival the empire in terms of producing Napoleonic era armaments. They are simply excellent, with the highest quality in the Philades, no one could stand a chance against their Imperial army equipped with the armaments produced from duro.

Also, because the duro is the sole industrial city capable of supporting the empire's technological advancement, they are so valuable, they have their own defense fleet of hundreds of ships, nearing a thousands wyverns, wyvern lord and the newest breed, the wyvern overlord. There's also several military institution could be found here including the prestigious Imperial Wyvern Knights Academy.

At the moment, due to the ongoing war between the Parpaldia and ASEAN, the duro have been ordered to triple their production and heightened the security. It never been happened before, a total war footing empire against some unkown uncivilized country.

"What's the update on the ongoing siege of Esthirant?."

A bearded man talked towards a Parpaldian officers.

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