Chapter 46: Operation Sledgehammer

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SEADF Forward Operation Base, ASEAN occupied Esthirant
June 6, 1640
11:59 PM

", It's 12:00 ha~~shit in morning, there's no going back." In the cockpit of a C-130H Hercules, a Southeast Asian airforce captain sighed. Because this means that they will be about to launch an air assualt towards the current heart of Parpaldia, Parneus, with a little over 2,900 men, which was originally intended to have 800 men but got exponentially increased in last minute reorganization, and will be delivered in five waves beyond enemy lines, which is expected to bypass and fend off an estimated 5 to 8,000 Imperial soldiers scattered all around that city on their own, not to mention that they need to break through first the estimated 3,000 Imperial Guards garrisoned inside with an unknown number of armed militia before capturing the Emperor. And their only support is the 5th and 7th Composite Strike Wing, which is exclusive to them and will conduct around-the-clock airstrikes on large hostile concentrations outside Parneus or shoot down any Imperial wyverns who are trying to relieve and reinforce their new capital.

"Even if we remove the outsiders from the fighting in Parneus, our men are still up against a force that might be double or triple their numbers because of the militia and the people there who might inevitably join in the fray, or worse, they have to fight the entire city. Landing an assault in a large hostile city beyond and deep enemy line without heavy equipment is outright suicidal." 

"You're thinking of a second Mogadishu?."

"Hell no, I don't even want to think about it."

His copilot smiled at the captain, who was concerned about their men and the sanity of the mission, which could be considered as suicide. There were only barely three thousand Southeast Asian grunts against the two hundred thousand inhabitants of Parneus. That's how overwhelming the ratio was, as much as absurd as the 70,000 men who were expected to take over 4 million people.

<<This is Control. We have been authorized to initiate 'Operation Sledgehammer' Each unit will have 20 minutes of last minute check on their equipment. Squadron A will take off at 0021H>> 

"Alright, let's focus on the mission and think positively about mission success without messing it up to end this shitty war already." The captain looks at the horizon of artificial light coming from the structures of the base. After heaving a sigh once more, he checks some of his instruments to see if the C-130H is in good condition and focuses himself on the mission to deliver their package to their daring mission.

Twenty minutes later, Squadron A of 12 C-130 and C-295 departed, followed by another 10 aircraft from Squadron B 15 minutes later. The first and second wave of paratroopers from ASEAN was finally underway in an attempt to end this war.


Parneus, Empire of Parpaldia

In the middle of the night where most of the people of Parneus was already laid rest after the night sky envelope the world.

Over 8,000 Imperial soldiers and militia guarded the entire city. The majority of them have low morale, lack proper training, and have no decent combat experience other than policing, marching, and asking for meals three times a day, not to mention that only barely one-third of them have seen live cannon fire or know how to fight urban warfare with long, heavy, and bulky muskets.

Inside the largest and most decorative mansion of Parneus, where the current reigning Emperor resides, several imperial guards were going in and out for patrol, fending off and securing the perimeter from unwanted guests, whether they were from the ASEAN or perhaps some Parpaldian servants who got lost in the premises of the emperor.

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