Chapter 102: Beyond Enemy Lines

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In the northern reaches of Southern Philades, the Nurzagan and S'vam air defense network held its nightly vigil under the subtle glow of the moon. Added to the fear of an impending ASEAN counteroffensive was the news, spreading like wildfire in mere hours, of the burning of the capital city. Rumors of the destruction of other cities were also being exaggerated throughout the front. With heavy use of Mana comms, both hybrid radio Mana resonance of Annonrial magitech with widespread use in the Nurzagan backfire real bad through the faster and more convenient way to spread the news. Despite the gag order, it only took less than 24 hours for the majority of the major units of Nurzaga to hear the grim end of their capital and regent. Nonetheless, they were unaware and clueless about when and where the impending upheaval poised to shatter their peace would begin. With several hundred kilometers long front, they were too unsure where ASEAN would begin their counteroffensive. The cold night air provided solace to the soldiers' fear, comforting them and inducing drowsiness to make them sleepy, and forget their anxiety in a few hours of sleep. Only occasional disruption by the distant hum of machinery of their armored units patrolling the area and the rustle of leaves in the breeze resonated on the land.

However, their worst dream had begun. Without warning, the tranquility was shattered. The initial salvo of ASEAN's ballistic missiles ascended into the skies, silent yet destructive, reaching the atmosphere, and soon began to arc in a parabolic trajectory. With a loud, descending sound like a gong to wake everyone in the night, the ground beneath them quivered as the missiles descended with ominous intent, catching the Nurzagan soldiers unprepared. Explosions erupted throughout the front, not at a single point, but at every major position and concentration of Nurzaga, Brunswick, and S'vam armies in the northern regions of Southern Philades, waking up the cold night with thundering noise of wrathful ballistic missiles.

A sudden eruption of flames disrupted their tranquil night. Not only that, but as if in concert for the opening pandemonium, over a hundred and fifty cruise missiles immediately followed suit in mere few minutes gap, homing at less than 50 meters from the ground through the terrain contour matching navigation systems. Soon, more and more explosions and shockwaves manifested on the ranks of the Northern Coalition, a scale of attack they never expected to be spread throughout the front. Soldiers immediately spread out, running in panic, disorganized due to the surprise attacks. Bases were burning, tanks, trucks, and other vehicles were scattered in a hurry, to the point they ended up colliding with others, crushing some soldiers, or simply abandoned. Adding salt to their wounds, attack and armed utility helicopters materialized from the darkness. Their blades sliced through the air with precision, executing pitch-up maneuvers while releasing rockets that streaked towards the unsuspecting air defense units to extend their range while sacrificing their accuracy. The night sky transformed into a chaotic ballet of swirling fire and thick crimson bellowing smoke.

The scent of burning debris mingled with the acrid smoke that billowed into the once-clear night air. The relentless rhythm of rocket fire added a dissonant note to the symphony of destruction. Northern Coalition soldiers, caught off guard and confused by the sudden onslaught, witnessed explosions painting the landscape in hues of orange and red.

In the midst of this airborne chaos, the distant screeching of jet engines signaled the next wave of destruction. JDAM strikes descended from an imperceptible altitude, each MK.82, MK.84 bombs equipped with a precision guidance kit ensuring accurate hits. The resulting explosions were sharp, unrelenting, and devoid of unnecessary drama, leaving command bases, AA batteries, and Nurzaga positions engulfed in flames of destruction.
Unbeknownst to the disoriented defenders, almost 40 kilometers away from the burning Northern Coalition frontline, a large spread-out column of tanks and armored vehicles advanced under the moonlight, rapidly approaching the crimson horizon. Dozens of helicopters flew overhead, barely recognizable in the darkness of the night.

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