Chapter 24: Incoming Fire

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Papaldia Empire, imperial capital Esthirant, 1st foreign affairs department

Heeding under Emperor's order, Kyeos was summoned to the 1st department. Walking towards a fancy heavy ornamented door basically speaking the 1st department head office, where elites of the elite gathered which he envied a lot.

After entering the door, he immediately saw the big shots of 1st department, 1st Department Head Elto, Deputy Head Hans, Chief of Quasi-Superpower Countries Shiran, and a beautiful woman in her late 20's a non-member but have considerable power as she is part of the imperial family.

Kyeos bowed then asked "By the command of His Grace Emperor Ludius, I am here to present myself to the summons... How could I help you?"

"You... Don't know a thing at all? It seems now I know why you failed the tasked by His Grace miserably" with poisonous statement, the woman grin.

"Pardon? May I ---" But Kyeos got interrupted


"My apologies, Lady Remille however I don't have prior knowledge on what you meant to... So I'm asking if you could elaborate it further?"

"Fine... Let me enlighten by me, a member of benevolent imperial family of parpaldia"

Then Remille continue "We are talking about ASEAN, didn't the 3rd department tasked by the emperor to drag those pitiable barbarians to send a diplomatic official to pay for the transaggressions they've committed and why it's been 3 months, yet there's still no response? Are they smearing mud on our Glorious Empire's name or the 3rd department is just slacking off!"

"Lady Remille, indeed we received a response however...."


"They won't ever send a single person on our country at all"

"You fool! If they won't heed on our call, then bait them to send one!"

"That's... imposs--"

"You're pathetic fool, you aren't really using your head. Thus under my name, the 1st department shall now have the authority to conduct dealings with the ASEAN from now on. For some disappointing department who can't even attain the expectations of the His grace are aren't worthy of this project. Hmm... Should the 3rd department even needed on the first place? What a lousy place on the first hand."

Hearing the mockery of Remille, Kyeos tightened her grip

"I shall heed on your decision"

Humiliated, however Kyeos cannot do a thing due to the difference in status, thus he endured all of it for a moment.

With this, the 1st department now overtook the 3rd department dealings with the ASEAN, that would later became the biggest mistake in the entire parpaldian's history thus everything went wrong.

Kingdom of Fenn, western region, Nishinomiyako

Large force of roughly three thousand strong Fennese warriors. Currently stationed on the western region of the Fenn which the current frontline with the war against parpaldia. Everyone knew that the parpaldian's are coming this week as the ASEAN send a warning on the possible sortie of the imperial army in the ports of eastern coast.

Then smoke rised up in the small island offshore that act as a primitive early warning device in an event of foreign attack. Everyone sounded their warning devices which reverberate throughout the town, this only meant one thing that the parpaldian is coming.

As the people and soldiers in nishinomiyako began their preparation of attack and possible land of enemies, they shored up their defenses. As large numbers of dots began to appear in sky, a deadly premonition for everyone in the town.

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