Chapter 47: Weaving Destination

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Outside Parneus, Empire of Parpaldia

A company of over 70 men from the 10th Parachute Brigade of the Malaysian Army, together with another company from their neighboring country, Kopasgat from the Indonesian Air Force which was originally one of the three airborne units to be used and limited only to 800 men, where Indonesian units planned to take over the choke points in Parneus, while Singapore and Thai units would go capture the emperor, so in rough plan, it should be the Indonesians who will hold the fort, while the other two will storm further to end this war. But later on, they were revised and exponentially expanded to nearly 3,000 men.

Other than Malaysia, the ASEAN employed another 2 nations here: Vietnam and the Philippines. There should be another one. It was Myanmar, but they were too late to join this mission. The Malaysian, Vietnamese, and Filipino units were shipped directly to Esthirant from their respective countries or from their stations in military bases or restricted training zones in Lauria two days ago. They hardly had rest during that time, then they were briefed only on the next day, when the plan was already in motion, which left them about approximately 30 hours of preparation before being deployed in the warzone.

"Cold." Whispers by a Sarawak native while wiping his scope from droplets of water forming in the cold night. Currently, in the middle of June, the temperature at night in central Parpaldia drops somewhere between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius. It's not freezing cold, but it definitely seeps through the unprotected faces of soldiers who tend to not cover their faces entirely with combat clothes.

Then one of his comrades, who was prone on a rock while watching the city with NVG's, heard his whispering and replied, "Cold? Wanna hug? " which he responded to with a smile and a middle finger.

His colleague shows disinterest in his response and laughs it off. "Kekw, anyways, how are our men doing?"

"Hmm? There's no noticeable chaos in the city, so they have yet to do something unscrupulous to parpies. "

Presently, they were waiting for the few dozen infiltrators who had been sent earlier by ASEAN covertly. They were using forged uncivilized and civilized countries' documents to enter Parneus as foreign working immigrants or stranded merchants, along with the Parpaldian refugees who were running away from a rumored ASEAN total attack due to their massing in Esthirant. However, unfortunately, this time they don't have infiltrators inside the ranks of Parpaldian Imperial forces just like last time. As the Parpaldia has already learned their lesson, any worker that has only 3 years of working experience within the Parneus shall be fired as a cautionary measure against possible parasite and dangerous elements blending into their ranks, just like what happened in Esthirant where ASEAN units easily entered due to the help of Muish or bribing the officials to smuggle their personnel in for free or with odd job vacancies.

"I bet they won't be able to paralyze the parps control center unless they pull some James Bond or Tom Cruise moves from Hollywood movies."

"Those Hollywood movies was shit... We've been expecting that they won't be able to do much of chaos, just enough with disorientation of their command structures, that would be enough."

"Right?" While they were talking, the remaining airborne units of ASEAN finally landed on the ground. At the same time, explosions rocked the Parneus, waking up their sleepy people.

It was not airstrikes but plastic explosives and other ordinance planted by the limited number of ASEAN advance infiltrating units. In the view of Southeast Asian paratroopers outside, about 3 old towers of Parneus that act as command centers or communication towers have just collapsed or are partially demolished. while a noticeable number of fiery fires producing luminous red smoke that rises in various locations throughout the city. One of the Parpaldian underground ammunition depots, which was formerly a underground sewerage gateway that was coincidentally located only a few dozens of meters next to the rented building of one of the ASEAN infiltrators, fell victim to their sabotage operation. While it's a bit tricky, the ASEAN units managed to kill the guards in haste and threw some wireless explosives inside the underground depot, then detonated it once they got a fairly decent distance from it. The explosion produced powerful shock waves that proceeded to destroy the surrounding structures, killing the remaining Imperial soldiers guarding the now stricken depot and about a hundred Parpaldian Imperial soldiers who rushed to reinforce the place due to the ruckus and attack of possible saboteurs.

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