Chapter 6: The Offshore Battle of Rodenius (PART 1)

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Central Calendar year 1639, April 25th, Naval Base in Myhak

In answer for the 4,400-ship fleet deployed by the Kingdom of Lauria aiming on the economic city of Myhak, at the naval base in Myhak's port, Qua Toyne's 2nd fleet currently numbering about 50 ships, was finally ordered preparatory procedures to send off all available ship in it's disposal. Each ship folded its sails, gathered at the harbor, and prepared for the upcoming battle.

Admiral Pancarre, Presently watching the sea, then contemplating " how many of my men could possibly survived at the end of the battle against the 4,000 ship invasion forces of Laurians..."

He  cleared his mind and tried to remove the obstructing thoughts for the upcoming battle. Also, trying anything that he could possibly think of, no matter how little the chance of winning.

"Admiral, we've received a message from navy HQ," reported by naval officer Breweye.

"Read it."

"Yes sir!

Tonight, 30 warships from the ASEAN will arrive at Myhak as reinforcements. Additionally, it will later be augmented by another 15 ships, together with hilikapters?(Helicopters) and Fayters(Fighters) for air cover. And lastly, they requested a dispatch of our military attachè to observe and bare witness in the official commencement of hostilities with the Kingdom of Lauria and ASEAN.

That's the end of message."

"Hmmmff... Only 30 ship...No, if you add the augmentation force of 15 ship it will turn 45 ship?Are you sure there isn't some mistake, they have over 900 ships right?. And this force, only they could muster and send over here? Even if we combined our forces with them, it'll still overwhelmingly small compared to the Laurians..."

"There were no mistakes, Admiral."

"I appreciate the offers of support, but... they said if we could provide observers? On top of that they only have 45 ships, They think that I'll send my subordinates to death with them?! Incomprehensible! I shall and will not send one of my men over!"

Then a delicate atmosphere of silence ensued.

"Then...why not send me," Breweye muttered.

"Are you serious?..."

"I'm one of your premier fighter, means that I've got higher probability of surviving compared to your other officers. But remember, The giant warships manifest in myhak and not to include those iron dragons on Gim the harbinger of death that destroyed and forced the Laurian forces to flee. Maybe we got higher chance of winning than you think."

"Umuh, I see ... I'll leave it to you."

"Yes sir!"

Same day, evening

Breweye dumbfounded on the sight. The magnitude of each ship was completely beyond imagination. When they had first contacted with ASEAN, the First Fleet reported a 100+ meter class ships, but first they thought it just an overstated report. But now, even they are Anchored faraway from the shore, it could surmise that they were abnormally and enormously ships. These ships does not have sails. A while later, a metal with spinning object on the top lifted off from the humongous ship.

He know it beforehand, that it was some kind of vehicle. When it got close, it produces strong gale. He boarded the flying vehicle and was taken offshore. Then, we flew smoothly, it doesn't shake and have comfortable seats. It was slower than a wyvern, but it could carry a large number of people. Soon, after arrival in destination, a frigate, came into view. Seeing its size up close, Breweye's jaw dropped.

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