Chapter 28: Technological Gap

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Parpaldian Imperial Navy, First Fleet

The fleet that stationed to defend the imperial capital was dispatched. The number is 320, which a number that quite sound impressive considering the size of the Parpaldian imperial Navy. They are the strongest fleet of the empire and the most elite with cutting edge magic steel armor equipped ships capable of taking more damage than the previous or lesser armoured ship of the lines, it also includes the impressive 160 meter long Veronica class dragon carriers capable of operating the new generation of wyvern called wyvern overlord with a top speed of 420 kilometers per hour.

Admiral Martal was in deep trouble, the empire have yet to devise contingency to defeat or caused at least decisive damage to force the ASEAN in a negotiation table, however the time was too short to able to create effective countermeasures against the technological superior ASEAN. "How's the reconnaissance? Where is the location of enemy fleet?" Martal questions.

"They spotted 3 ships currently sailing south east. Possibly those ships are the one sunked our patrol fleet, we have yet to find the main enemy fleet admiral"

"Send another 40 wyverns, expand the search area" Martal made multiple cautious approach in dealing the ASEAN fleet. On the other hand the fleet on duro and from western coast of parpaldia began to organize a large number of 10 ship flotilla, so far there's 20 flotilla which currently doesn't have any objectives. However, that tactics won't be any use as they expecting the west and east coast of the empire to be attacked by ASEAN on multiple strategic locations in order to cripple it's economy and war efforts.

The reason why they are creating multiple flotilla they considering of scattering it to attack the ASEAN mainland, it's allies and their territories in rodenius. With this tactics, they will force the ASEAN to allocate their combat ships to protect their allies and territories from the harassments of parpaldian flotilla's thus decreasing the combat potential they will send in Philades. However, this bound to doom on the first place as they only put the principal naval force of ASEAN and didn't taken account the range of patrol aircrafts, coast guard vessels of ASEAN or it's naval and ground militia forces which they don't have any information at all.

"Admiral our scouts spotted the enemy fleet 60 kilometers away" The magic comm operator said then promptly responded by Martal "Send everything. Don't slack to sink as many as they can to stop the advancing ASEAN fleet"

Upon orders, the dragon motherships of parpaldia stopped as hundreds of wyverns prepped on the deck. They began to soar up in the sky before multiple explosion resonated on the sea "Dragon mothership Veronica and mir sunk! We are under attack!"

"What! They are 90 kilometers away from the enemy how could it be!" Martal was surprised by the sudden event

"They been hit in the flank!"

"Another ASEAN unit? How many they are?"

"It's not a cannon fire of a fleet, it seems they are attacked by arrows of light probably mechanical aircrafts of ASEAN attacked our fleet"

"We are cornered huh? Break through towards the ASEAN fleet at full speed! Then ordered the fleet to disperse and hide from the prying eyes of the enemies they can be disguised themselves as civilian ship or anything so they won't get spotted and next time we won't lose!"

"Roger Admiral, and an update our dragon motherships have been wiped out"

"How many wyverns we have in the air?"

"120 admiral"

"Too few to be force...hmm ask the capital defense force if they could spare some" Martal continued to give out orders despite the hopelessness.

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