Chapter 104: The Modern No Man's Land

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Rumbling throughout the front, artillery shells screamed through the air with deadly precision, slamming en masse towards Northern Coalition positions in the northern regions of Southern Philades, which had been occupied for a brief 3 days. The first day of the invasion for Nurzaga felt like a walk in the park, but now they were faced with the harsh reality of war as countless explosive and napalm bombs torched their positions, fortifications, and encampments. ASEAN artillery bombardments continued day and night, with range and accuracy that left no room for mercy.

In the air, Nurzaga's air superiority immediately disappeared as countless ASEAN air defense systems blanketed the entire airspace into a deadly no-fly zone. Anyone attempting to fly higher than 50 meters would face a staggering number of surface-to-air missiles, grounding their aircraft or forcing them to fire ordnance outside the ASEAN's active air defense zone. Meanwhile, Southeast Asians themselves employed these tactics too by launching modified, converted, or newly produced glide bombs from any existing aircraft capable of carrying its weight, equipped with specialized bomb racks. The most numerous among these were the series of Standard Glide Bombs, culminated in their development and production prior to the end of the ASEAN-Parpaldia war, with the aim to mass-produce smaller 250-pound guided glide bombs as a cheaper alternative for standoff weapon systems.

However, with the arrival of open hostilities involving Annonrials and other powerful countries hostile to ASEAN, they developed more variants and much larger versions. The most numerous and cheapest among them is the SGB 250 (250-pound glide bomb), currently being produced at the same rate as other bombs of similar weight categories like the Western Mk. 81 or the Soviet-era FAB 250. Another variant, the SGB 2000, is a modified Mk. 84 2,000-pound bomb with a gliding mechanism. Each bomb has a range of about 8 to 20 kilometers, depending on the altitude and angle of the aircraft when launched, with an accuracy of around 40 to 100 meters CEP, aided by computer-assisted Fire Control Systems designed for launching these weapons.

This tactic allowed for mass volleys of standoff weapons to be deployed, solving the accuracy issue through sheer volume of fire. The cost of these weapons was only a fraction of that of fully guided weapon kits or missiles. They thoroughly pounded Nurzagan positions with firepower and range, serving multiple roles as anti-personnel, anti-tank, and anti-fortification weapons, surpassing rocket strikes in terms of effectiveness.

Thus, ASEAN's increasing presence with weapons familiar to Nurzaga yet terrifying, subjecting them to horrors they had not experienced before.

Constant bombardment throughout the front continued, with Nurzagan soldiers finding themselves under a merciless attacks from both air and ground - All angle and direction. Artillery shells screamed through the air, ripping through fortifications and encampments with deadly precision. Countless rockets and glide bombs soared overhead, their deafening explosions reverberating across the battlefield and sending shockwaves rippling across the horizon.

Amidst the intense aerial and ground campaign of ASEAN, the sky was filled with the constant buzzing of drones, their sleek forms glinting in the sunlight as they sent real-time feeds to the artillery command of SEADF. These drones acted as the eyes of the artillery gunners, guiding their shells to their targets with pinpoint accuracy, whether it was day or night, through smoke or fire, it's definitely gonna be highly accurate, something that Nurzagan couldn't hope to imagine nor counter. The bombardment was unrelenting, leaving no respite, not even a short sleep for their sleep deprived fighters for the war.

Shells continued to rain down upon Nurzaga's positions, reducing fortifications, anything semblance of civilization to rubble and sending soldiers scattering for cover.

The smell of the surrounding is strong with smoke and burning debris, mingling with the metallic tang of blood and sweat. The ground trembled beneath the force of the explosions, sending shockwaves rippling through the earth with each impact.

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