Chapter 27: Day of Enlightenment

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Central Calendar Year 1940, 10th of March. Esthirant 450 Kilometers Southeast

A large 57-ship fleet cutting through waves of ocean together with some naval helo's flying above them in patrol. It is the ASEAN naval task force 00 intended to destroy every ships and facilities of Esthirant for the upcoming landing invasion a kilometer away south of the imperial capital 3 days later.

"Gentlemen, I am Deidre Elysees from Second Civilization Media Entertainment may I ask for you full name and rank!" Currently, The energetic paparazzi hired by the military of Mu began to pestering the crew onboard the AFNS/HTMS Chakri Naruebet much to the chagrined of some crew.

"2nd Fleet Admiral Denpo Cetan of the ASEAN home fleet"

"Same here, 3rd Fleet Admiral Nguyen Dac Kien of the ASEAN home fleet"

"Whoa! May I ask for some photos for our magazines?" Deidre, was ordered only to question about the names of high ranking officials or the basic informations about them and other way around that bound not to hinder the ASEAN operation or accidentally leak some crucial Informations against parpaldia.

Some crews are quite lucky to dodge the rampant questioning of Deidre such as Captain Kraisee that currently organizing some paperwork. But some aren't spared either like the CIC officers, gunners, pilots even before the ships departed from ports some people whom holding portable cellular phones or simply doing some work on their laptops have been smacked by machine gun questions of Deidre. The admirals and officers aren't annoyed by it, however felt being treated as celebrities is a bit awkward for them--military personnels, though some of the crews are happily giving their permission to the get go to be featured in the magazines.

"Sir Esteemed Admirals of ASEAN, both of you came from different state of ASEAN right? How it feel that fighting side by side now? I mean both of you foreign to each other before the formation of FR-ASEAN right?" The Mu paparazzi questions straight ahead, practically being integrated into a single organization within a year is a heavy hurdle to any countries and quite a challenge however before the south east asian countries been transferred to another world there's already some cooperation and the geographical location made them much closer to each other compared to some much hotly contested regions of Asia that always glaring to each other.

"Not really that hard nevertheless quite... A tedious integration process but surely we are getting use to it"

The admirals answered and the question and answer between the group continued on the otherhand group of Myrus and Lassan are currently in the flight deck of AFNS/HTMS Chakri Naruebet.

"This is a helicopter right?" Questioned by Lassan, which accompanied by some Thai personnel on the tour in the carrier. "Yes sir"

Myrus on the otherhand aren't curious on the ship as this is his third time on board the ship rather he is curious on the complement and the armaments on board which he didn't have the time to be inspected. "Machine gun on hovering capable flight machine is... a novel doctrine is this a stable gun platform?"

"Yes sir"

"What's about the other armaments?"

"Ah sir myrus it's a transport helo's so there's no armaments other than machine guns however some of the Helicopters are capable of firing missiles, rockets or torpedoes"

"Missiles and torpedoes..." Myrus twitched on the nonstandard weapons that could annihilate their navy without a sweat. Upon discovering this type of weaponries, Mu tried to imitate these weaponries and the progress is no where near to begin as they are practically Impossible to be built in scratch by the technological level of Mu. But this gives them an idea that underwater attack or long range precise rocket/missile attack could be proved lethal to their battleship class.

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