Chapter 112: Closing Danger

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Task Force 42

The seas between Philades and Rodenius saw one of the largest concentrations of Southeast Asian naval force in history. They backed up routine bombardments of shore-based facilities and S'vam settlements, acting as decoys to force any Annonrial naval vessels into the open for their anti-shipping operations on Philades. Two frigates and three modified flight-decked cargo vessels were designated as Escort Carriers to avoid confusion with the upcoming amphibious transport dock/helicopter carriers with similar profiles but dedicated military vessels at the shipyards of Southeast Asia. Escorting them were an additional three corvettes, seven OPVs, four submarines, and over a dozen support ships, forming the core of a 34-ship fleet. Currently sailing with them was the John F. Kennedy Strike Group, a Gerald Ford-class supercarrier, one of the two US supercarriers transferred from Earth after the Latistor was sent back to New World. The strike group consisted of three cruisers, two destroyers, and one submarine. Not far from them, 120 kilometers east, was the Theodore Roosevelt strike group.

Aboard one of the latest Gerald Ford-class carriers in service, Rear Admiral Nathan Erickson's gaze swept over the Southeast Asian Kilo-class submarine on the port side at periscope depth. He could see it cutting through the deep blue sea with its white wake moving forward alongside the fleet.

He then sighed. Erickson had received information about the incoming Annonrial fleet from Southeast Asia and immediately requested to begin repositioning the carrier group in support of the intercept of the Southeast Asian naval task force. Though they had to move as close as Verlander, in the open mouth of the strait, putting themselves in open danger, they couldn't withdraw either. The lives of nearly 20,000 Americans, who were preliminary settlers of the New United States government there, were currently residing there. They could evacuate them, but it was impossible for them to abandon their own recognized territories in enemy hands or under attack without taking action, let alone evacuate them in time.

The soft hum of machinery and computers, the distant sound of waves crashing against the hull provided a background of tranquility amidst urgent conversations taking place around him.

"Admiral," his executive officer, Commander Karen Thompson, approached him, her expression grave.

"Yes, Commander?" Erickson turned to face her, his brow furrowed with concern.

"We've just received updated intel on the Annonrial fleet's movements. They're heading straight for Verlander," Thompson reported. "A carrier strike group, with battleships appears to be equipped with VLS like Kirov class."

Erickson reached his chin in contemplation at the news. He knew they had to act swiftly to intercept the enemy fleet; time was ticking, and they had to protect their people and interests in Verlander. But the thought of putting his own ships in harm's way weighed heavily on his mind.

"It's not an arsenal ship, right? Like the Ravies in Galapagos?" Erickson said, his voice firm despite the unease gnawing at him.

Thompson nodded, her eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for answers. "Yes, it appears it's not as dangerous as the Ravernal battleship that swept Chilean and Brazilian patrolling fleet off the coast of South America. And attributing that with the very stupid decisions of the Ravernal back on Earth, we assume Annonrial will have the same mindset, potentially with much lower IQ than their predecessors, sir. But we'll have to move closer to Verlander, right into the mouth of the strait. It's a risky maneuver."

Erickson clenched his lips, fully aware of the dangers they faced. "I know, Commander. But we can't afford to let the Southeast Asians face the Annonrial fleet alone—there's no guarantee they could stop them."

Thompson nodded again, her expression agreeing. "Understood, sir."

"They're talking big too. The Asians are quite shrewd."

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