Chapter 108: Reunited

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The information about the arrival of Latistor came after the confirmation of their own destruction, brought about by their own folly. Almost half of their land was left as an irradiated wasteland, nearly causing their extinction. The nuclear winter raged from the heart of the Pacific Ocean all the way to northern Australia, reaching as far as Shanghai in the west and the east coast of America. It was a nuclear damnation, resulting in over a billion dead in the Ravernal Empire. Now, nothing remained but a husk of its former glory, split by the victors of war. It became a silent, dead civilization, controlled by what they once deemed insignificant beings. Now, they had to beg, depend on, and be protected by others to avoid total extinction.

Fortunately or not, most of the nuclear attacks by India and China hit further inland of the Ravernal Empire. After the transfer, the majority of the radioactive particles in the atmosphere were left on Earth, though there were still lingering nuclear particles in the air. Furthermore, the Ravernal Empire's obsession with connecting and expanding their megacities like Ecumenopolis, densely populated areas formerly far away from each other, led to rapid expansion for cost-effectiveness and efficiency. The long-term plan was to eventually interconnect these megacities with massive underground manufacturing facilities, food facilities, and enormous subterranean transportation complexes that would put Earth's most advanced and largest underground train systems to shame. However, this obsession brought about their faster downfall. With a dozen nuclear warheads from Chinese and Indian MIRVs, their scoreboard almost immediately soared into the millions upon impact, brought by the largest communist and the largest democratic nations on Earth.

The Chinese and Indian nuclear forces only targeted 38 megacities, resulting in over 600 million deaths in the first hour of impact. In retaliation, the Ravernal unleashed their own core magics, devastating over 70 cities in China alone, resulting in over 20 million deaths and more casualties due to massive internet blackouts, chaos, and anarchy. Being cut off from global trade and facing devastating core magic attacks worsened the situation. Meanwhile, India was equally devastated, with over 300 core magics hitting their land. Twelve of these alone struck New Delhi, each with a 2-megaton class of firepower, resulting in the deaths of over half of the city's residents and their deputy prime minister. However, some of the core magics veered off course, hitting Nepal instead and resulting in tens of thousands dead and wounded, mainly in sparsely populated regions of the country.

This nearly prompted the Indian and Chinese nuclear forces to initiate a second strike, hastening communication with Russia and American nuclear submarines in the Pacific and Indian Ocean to prepare for deployment, including other nuclear powers to fire their own nuclear weapons. The Americans initially considered deploying their own nuclear weapons, while Russia readied its Satan II ICBM silos for firing at a moment's notice. However, the plan was aborted at the last minute due to relayed information from satellite communications indicating chain reactions of unknown origin occurring throughout the Ravernal.

It was later determined that the explosions were caused by antimatter factories within the Ravernal, which detonated by their upper brass thinking of incoming destruction of their country in an attempt to cause planetary-scale destruction in retaliation. If they were to fall extinction due to potential second strike of India and China, they aimed to ensure that this world would become an inhabitable hell for the nations of Earth. While they failed to achieve this goal, the explosions were powerful enough to create several full-powered blasts equivalent to several Tsar Bomba explosions on their own lands. Although they did not directly cause widespread destruction as intended, the explosions were visible and audible from thousands of kilometers away. The people in lands connecting to China and India witnessed a spectacular wall of light hundreds of kilometers tall, accompanied by earth-shattering explosions that ruptured the ears of people over a range of 1,000 kilometers at outstanding 180 dB, with shockwaves following in their wake.

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