Chapter 30: Know Your Enemy

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Joint Lycan-Puteoli Naval Complex, Laurian Administrative Region.

Sitra, a young Indonesian diplomat currently waiting outside the Naval Complex of Lycan-Puteoli. Originally, the port of puteoli and lycan airstrips are completely different existence as the former was an ordinary commerical port (though it's already being used by coast guard and navy vessels of ASEAN as a HomePort in lauria beforehand) and the latter was a hastily built military airstrips before being integrated and expanded as a full fledged 'dual purpose complex'. Together with sitra, a man with tall stature which currently browsing a tabloid and another one don on a uniform of a army officer from the Philippines.

"Hey Sitra, don't you think sending warships here to form a diplomatic ties isn't a bit rude?" The one who called her is the man with tall stature, Indra which also an Indonesian like her which she answered back "Of course, it would be rude if it is earth but we aren't in earth anymore so... Kinda hard to say anything about the norms of this world"

Then they looked in the view from the port, 8 gigantic battleships and cruisers of Holy Milishial Empire which currently escorting imperial diplomatic flagged cruise ship. Every SEA citizens on the port are amazed in the enormous size of those ships visiting while the original laurian citizens are in nervous state because the one who visiting today are hailed as the most strongest country in the world. After conducting the PASSEX or passage exercises between two nations, the corresponding warships and diplomatic ship of Milishial docked at the port to begin the diplomatic talks.

"Okay let's meet them"

A few moments ago

Inside a mithril class battleship, several people don in fancy suits currently talking about the ASEAN as they didn't expect them to surprise this much.

"This is... How could possibly?" One of them uttered, looking at the current coastal town of puteoli which have it's status elevated as a city. Several modern buildings currently being built simultaneously, pave roads, port that could dock their battleships, a number of medium class ships and a couple of oversized cargo ships that dwarves their battleships, a single Muish flagged cargo vessel, and several polished white multi-storey buildings which ranged from 3 to 8 floors are neatly rowed which despite being plain it looks magnificent to their eyes.

"Commander Ragie! This is not what your department reported us! This is already comparable to some of our major coastal cities..." The one who said that is Phiam, one of the Milishial diplomatic Envoys to ASEAN.

Before the commencement of the hostilities between ASEAN and Parpaldia, the information director of Milishial imperial intelligence service, Arneus, sends multiple teams to investigate the newly emerged country that defeated the Lauria and one of their most prominent things that been reported is the puteoli before it's full renovation project partially completed by ASEAN in early of February however they unluckily began their activities on the time where the SEA countries are in doubt wether they will upgrade it's newly acquired territories fully or partially with only limited cities or towns to be chosen (to be upgraded) due to immense time and resources needed to accomplish this endeavor and thus including puteoli as one of the majority of cities and towns that been upgraded a little during that time, it's just a makeshift one's with dirt runaways, slow building rate, initially unimpressive looking buildings, hastily upgraded port without any certifications or abilities to dock much larger ships or the so-called under-keel clearance.

But they didn't taken to account that during that time--SEA nations are virtually doesn't have any more or less motivation to upgrade it's territories as they only solicited as little as 25 million dollars worth commitments from the SEA nations which hampered it's efforts to accelerate the amelioration of Lauria. Not to include they didn't know there's only as many as 3,000 workers on the vast territories of Lauria which tasked to build several large makeshift dwellings without any fancy on design as they focused on practicality. Lastly, the port is purposely left behind due to the allocation of limited budget is diverted on much important projects in lauria.

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