Chapter 67: Flashpoint

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Annonrial Camp, somewhere in Grameus

"Major, it's been hours, they failed to return in time. The bureaucrats are questioning their delayed return."

Nightmare Flight fails to relay information to the main formation after getting annihilated in aerial combat against the ASEAN air assets. Thus, the Annonrial are clueless about the current situation and what has been on the flight they sent for a recon mission. Meanwhile, Daxild and others noticed the oddity of the flight as they were nowhere to be seen.

"How did this happened? It's because of the weather? Or... That's not possible, there's no way Muish aircrafts could destroy them without giving time to relay information to us, must be Milishial? Those accursed beings, I won't let them get away. Prepare the remaining 6 flight of Alicorn, we'll moving in formation."

He kept mumbling in irritation as he can't believe what's happening, it's too much for him to understand. Losing several aircraft and not even figuring out what happened to them is simply a hard-hitting tragedy, nevertheless, Beltane believes it's no accident, it's likely an attack from other countries, likely the Milishial.

"All of them? It's too large and suspicious, 29 aircrafts is overkill Major." His subordinate, of course, opposed his plan, it's plain overkill for their opinion.

"They started it, and we will end it."

"The bureaucrats will definitely question it."

"You think I'll care about them!? My face is much more important than them! What do you think the generals on our fatherland will say if I return without avenging my men? I'll become a laughing stock! A coward who ran away in the fight!"

"But sir!."

"Just tell them, we're eliminating the threats!."

"Eh? That would mean we're acknowledging them as a threat...? Understand." The subordinate nodded as he give up seeing Beltane hatefully gazed the south. He doesn't think he'll able to persuade him until he finally getting his revenge.

An hour later, a symphony of sound blanket the base, as waves of fighter jets roared into the sky in a disciplined formation, their afterburners showering the sky in golden-orange flames. The deep rumble of their engines shook the earth like a heartbeat, reverberating down the airstrip and out across the cold, frozen world.

The pilots flew their sleek and powerful warplanes in several ranks of four aircraft formation, turning the sky into a canvas of shimmering red light. There was a sense of power and strength in the air, a hum of determination, as the pilots set their faces to the horizon and soared into the clouds--towards Topa, aiming for vengeance.

The formation dispersed and flew into the distant sky, leaving a wake of shredded smoke trails behind them. In the freezing dark sky, 29 Phantom and 2 Almagest were about to poke into the eagle's and falcon's nest.

This second encounter will seal the fate of every faction in this conflict and the entire world.


"How did we want to run, yet we're here again? Does destiny really want us badly dead?"

The moment SEADF personnel tried to bypass the Esperanto kingdom by going south while walking in the snowy terrain, the only problem was that this was different from others, the winter intensified, and it's not really advisable to go on a journey in the middle of a raging blizzard. Furthermore, they also got in contact with the Esperantian knights, who kindly asked them to take shelter in their country instead, weighing their options between going into the hellish wilderness or staying in the country in the face of imminent airstrikes from an unknown modern faction. They were forced to choose the latter, with a higher probability of surviving and fending off their enemies. Moreover, their supplies were abandoned back then after they got complacent about the apparent vacate caves. Thus, they had no choice but to stay in the warm and food-secure country of Esperanto.

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