Chapter 78: NW Summit I

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Gra Valkan Imperial Eastern Fleet, Grade Alastar

At the flagship of Gra Valkan Imperial Navy, lead ship of largest class of battleship commissioned on their service, almost twice heavier than Borealis, second flagship of Ceasar at 72,000 tons full load. Steaming at 19 knots, escorted by 8 carriers, 8 other battleships, 15 cruisers, 48 destroyers and 21 supply ships, with several dozens Antares III flying overhead.

"Your Excellency, we already received information that old and new reifolia was destroyed. Almost half of the population appears to lost or missing." Luxtal reported at Ceasar whom, silent deep in thought. What's happening and how it happened.

The news of attack in Leifor, of unprecedented scale of destruction have already reached his ears - within an hour, and it's simply too overwhelming and incomprehensible to take such casualties and damage report. As Ceasar delved deeper into the reports before him, frustration welled up within him. "And what of this 'falling star' phenomenon?" he pondered aloud, his tone laced with a hint of annoyance. "Did somehow comets or meteorites rained down upon Leifor, accurately hitting and disrupting our vital communications with our frontline centers?" The lack of clarity and understanding gnawed at Ceasar's patience, leaving him with more questions than answers.

Ceasar's brow furrowed deeply as he contemplated the unfolding events. His mind raced, desperately seeking connections and patterns that might reveal the hidden truth behind the devastating onslaught. It seemed inconceivable to him that such a catastrophic attack could be a mere coincidence, a random occurrence without deeper meaning.

"There's really something wrong," he declared, his voice resonating with conviction. "It's foolish to dismiss it as a mere coincidence." Ceasar's intuition, honed through years of leadership and strategic thinking, urged him to look beyond the surface, to delve into the realm of possibilities that lay shrouded in uncertainty.

Ceasar paced the command center, going back and forth, with idle sound of boots, ticking inside the room, with thoughts and questions. Why did they attack them? What was their goal? And most importantly, could his country - Gra Valkas Empire respond effectively to this unforeseen threat?

The onslaught by the Annonrials had left the Gra Valkans reeling, their confidence shaken to the core. The realization that they faced a civilization far superior in technological prowess sent ripples of unease through their ranks. They found themselves ill-prepared to confront this unprecedented threat, caught in a web of uncertainty and confusion. The air was thick with a sense of urgency as Ceasar and his advisors grappled with the daunting task of navigating the unknown and securing the future of their nation.

"Additionally, unknown battleships and other large capital ships appear to be off the coast of Reifolia. The remaining guard ships and intact fleets stationed at Reifolia deployed some ships to confirm their hostility and, if necessary, engage them. However, all of the forces deployed were swiftly sunk by relentless attacks that outgunned and outranged even our battleships," Luxtal added. In the midst of chaos, the surviving fleet of ships, which miraculously endured the initial onslaught aimed at annihilating them and removing them as a liability for future operations of Annonrial Empire, sortied out from the coast of Leifor. Sadly, they met their demise at the hands of Annonrial's battleships armed with 51cm quadruple and triple gun turrets, as well as several larger caliber guns. Alternatively, some were ultimately sunk by ASHM (Anti-Ship Guided Missiles) with exceptional accuracy.

Luxtal's words pierced through the heavy silence that enveloped the command center. The reports of the decimation of the remaining fleet and the futile attempts to engage the unknown enemy left no room for doubt-the technological superiority and firepower of the adversary were simply overwhelming.

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