Chapter 92: All Hopes Are Lost

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Western Mu

In the sky above Leifor, the air was torn apart by flak explosions as Gra Valkan Imperial combat aircrafts soared high. Below, Annonrial Viracel main battle tanks and missile trucks desperately held their ground, serving as stationary firing stations on the crumbling frontlines, aiming towards the target: the shores.

Facing scores of landing ships made their way to the shore, lowering their ramps to roll out tanks and soldiers onto the Annonrial positions. In defense, the Annonrial main battle tanks unleashed their flurry of firepower, effortlessly tearing through Gra Valkan tanks like a hot knife through butter. The enemy's armored vehicles were reduced to burning wreckage, while their machine guns made short work of infantry on the shore. Alongside them, the escorting Battle Lance-equipped RAAS units and missile trucks displayed deadly precision, accurately targeting landing ships miles away. Their relentless defense inflicted heavy casualties upon the Gra Valkans, turning the once-pristine shores into a grim landscape of blood soaked scene.

"Bring the guns to coordinate 472.31.155, over!" The Annonrial Commissar's voice rang out amid the outpouring storm of Gra Valkan might. He squeezed off a shot from his pistol, adding to the chaos of war.

Fifty kilometers away, eight massive 400mm guns slowly elevated their barrels, their sheer size a testament to their destructive power. With a deafening roar that sent shockwaves rippling through the surroundings, they came to life. Each cannon hurled 1.4 tons of deadly ordnance toward the shore.



The earth itself seemed to tremble and cry out as enormous fires erupted, turning the once-familiar landscape into an unrecognizable battlefield, marked by chaos and destruction.

The Annonrial defenses, while valiant, proved to be insufficient. In a swift retaliation, the naval guns of Gra Valkan destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers and battleships alike swung into action. Like a symphony of destruction, over a hundred guns unleashed their wrath upon the Annonrial position.

The torrent of naval firepower, ranging from the smallest 150mm cannons to the colossal 460mm guns, found their mark with deadly accuracy. The already battered Annonrial position trembled as the full might of the Gra Valkan Imperial Navy was concentrated upon it.

Explosions blossomed like hellish flowers, tanks were reduced to pulverized husks upon impact, bunkers and trenches were obliterated, and even light structures like tents were blown to kingdom come. The dead lay scattered along the front, their lifeless bodies adding to the grim tableau of destruction. The once-solid ground now bore the scars of the naval bombardment, marked by ever-expanding craters that dotted the landscape.

The tables had turned, and those who were once considered inferior prey had become the hunters. Annonrial's 17th fleet found themselves unable to inflict substantial damage on the mainland of the Gra Valkan Empire, failing to slow down the Gra Valkan counteroffensive. The losses mounted, but it seemed to only fuel Gra Valkan determination. They resorted into brute approach, and continued to pour more ships and aircraft into the battle, undeterred.

It was a brutal war of attrition, with Gra Valkan paying a heavy price for every successful advances they made. Later, in the history books, the casualties on both sides would be remembered at an approximate ratio of 7 to 1, with Annonrial inflicting significant casualties against Gra Valkans. However, Gra Valkans managed to force the conflict to continue with an abnormal degree of attrition, one that even the Annonrials hadn't anticipated the Gra Valkan Empire enduring. The cost of victory was high, and neither side was willing to back down.

S'vam Theocracy
Holy City Abel

In the capital city of S'vam, a multitude of anti-aircraft guns and missile systems were strategically scattered atop buildings, with soldiers patrolling the ground below.

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